View Full Version : It's all coming in around me

13-07-16, 13:36
Ok so I posted here yesterday about DVT and got no responses. However since then, more has happened and I'm really trying to be brave and rational.

My mum has had ulcerative colitis in the past but recently she has lost 12 kgs in weight, is tired and her regular bloods that she gets done have been all over the place. The doc has red flagged her and she has been in for all sorts of scans and X-rays today. Basically, it's all very worrying and concerning.

In the meantime, I feel sick with worry. I have a knot in my
Stomach and I can feel my heart racing. My leg is still sore and I'm now worrying that my palpitations are now due to dvt. I took a pain under my ear earlier in my neck and had myself convinced it had moved to my neck. I'm starting to get out of control thinking about it all. I've had a d dimer test and it came back normal but I'm thinking can I get a false negative? Would it definitely have picked it up? What if it's back? I had it before from flying.

And all the time I'm worrying about my mum and how she is feeling.

Anyone help me please

13-07-16, 21:30
I have never heard of anyone having a totally normal d dimer test and still having a dvt, and Dr's don't just go on this test they also look for all the other symptoms you would get with a clot as well.

Obviously if you develop actual swelling of your leg with pain then yes you need to seek help but pain on its own is not indicative of dvt much more likely to be muscular.

Understandably your anxiety is high with your mothers problems and this is making you hyper aware of your bodily feelings.