View Full Version : Some one please help me

13-07-16, 15:12
So I have been suffering from panic attack for 4 months now.. I thought I had a little control over it until I came to ( I live in New York but originally from the Caribbean ) to my country on vacation ! Nie they're coming in extreme bouts.. Last night I had the worst fast heart rate thought it was the end until my sis demanded that I sit down, don't move and calm down! All I kept thinking I need to go to a doctor ! My country hospitals aren't like NYC so that also makes me more anxious! What ifs! Can anyone tell me hoe handle these attacks while on vacation ? I'm also a Christian and I'm praying a lot but I feel so impatient though I know God will heal me of this.. Any advice on how to enjoy my next few days hear before heading back to my comfort zone? ( NYC) . It's so easy to run to the er there just to get some iv and sent home with paperwork saying its anxiety! I've done so many test on my heart, brain .. All normal but yet I can't shake this .. Feels like it get worst when I go swimming in the ocean here.. I don't know what to do anymore!

15-07-16, 23:52
That's how I seem to feel too when I'm on vacation or even just going to local concerts. It's hard to break through a panic attack. Breathing is huge but it's definitely something that takes practice. I also kind of do a commentary to myself on what's going around me as a way to reassure myself that I'm actually okay and in no danger. That helps me a ton when I'm driving. Good luck!