View Full Version : Heart Attack Anxiety & Helicobacter Pylori

13-07-16, 17:25
Hello Everyone

For the past three and a half months i've been experiencing symptoms beyond my norm that have really worried me despite doctor reassurance, I have been to the hospital with chest pain and shortness of breath thinking i was having some sort of heart attack, yet multiple times i've been assured that the symptoms i'm having are due to Acid Reflux.

My ECG and Chest X-Rays have all came back perfectly normal (Multiple times now) Oxygen levels are fine and blood pressure is perfect, there's never any trouble and i'm always prescribed to take Omeprazole for the symptoms I experience.

This usually works, so much i continued taking it until i became ill with Gastroenteritis, which caused me to stop taking the Omeprazole for a day or two, which in turn caused the Chest Pain and Shortness of breath to return, I went to the doctor and he suggested that I test for Helicobacter Pylori, to which I did and sent a sample before starting to the Omeprazole again.

He also told me that pain in my left arm was most likely referred pain since everything has always came back normal in regards to my heart, however I can't help but feel anxious about the new symptoms i've developed since coming off the Omeprazole, sometimes i will feel a weakness in my arms and legs followed by what feels like Sinus Pressure in my head, It is summer so i feel like that's what could be affecting me but i also get a worrysome tingling in my left arm/hand, Google has made this ten times worse due to it being 'A precursor to a Heart Attack'.

Can someone please set me straight, should i go back to the Hospital or am i just over analysing again?

13-07-16, 22:43
I'm pretty sure that, for a heart attack, pains and tingles in the left-side of your body are fairly quickly followed by an actual heart attack, so if you have been having issues for over three months, stressful though it may be, it is less likely to be a sign of a heart attack.

Your pain could be down to stress/anxiety or even bad acid reflux, I get weird pains all over my torso because of these issues.

14-07-16, 00:10
Thanks for the reply

I think you're right, since posting this the tingling seems to have subsided and has practically vanished, it's crazy what physical symptoms anxiety can produce.

14-07-16, 00:45
Hi, also you can't get an accurate result for H/Pylori after you have been taking Omeprazole, I think you have to be off it for a few weeks. This is not the case with Zantac though. Worth a mention.

Good luck with it.