View Full Version : Think I'm Losing My Mind....

13-07-16, 18:28
Me again...

So, I'm really, truly frightened again, and I don't even know what kind of doctor (if any) to call.

I have OCD, mostly around health issues. For the longest time it was focused on the, "Usual," stuff like cancer.

Now, I've totally switched to worrying that I have some horrible neurological condition.

Last night I woke up with a start, and I had a moment where I didn't know where I was. I've had that before in a hotel or something, but this time I was staring right at my own closet, in my own bedroom, and it was almost like I couldn't make sense of what it was, or even who I was-like a whole second of amnesia??? I had to tell myself it was the closet, and what rooms were next door, and that it was my own house etc.... I'm only 45, and I'm not having other memory lapses, but this, of course, has me thinking I'm truly going crazy.

I had one other incident a few months back where I remembered talking to my husband, and it turned out he hadn't even come home from work!

I am under a ton of stress-my younger son was recently diagnosed with a learning disorder similar to autism, and that is very stressful. Health wise, my primary care doc has reassured me I'm fine, though she really didn't know what to make of me the last time I described the situation above. I do have TMJ and teeth that ache all the time (I've been x-rayed and examined by a dozen dentists). But I'm wondering if I should be seeing a neurologist or a psychiatrist?? I was doing some CBT, but it honestly didn't seem to help much after I had some initial success. I really can't do meds, because I instantly have every side effect on the label!

Could anxiety really be messing with my mind this badly, or is this early alzheimers or something worse? Grateful for any thoughts....