View Full Version : Headaches.. Them damn headaches

13-07-16, 19:08
I haven't had to take panadol in a week, but still, I have had tension headaches most of the week and a migraine today, I wish I could safely take panadol without worrying.. But I don't want increased anxiety from the tablets... Oh anxiety

---------- Post added at 19:08 ---------- Previous post was at 18:59 ----------

Also! I am on 275mg of zoloft.. Maybe that cpuld be it? I have been on five months though.. Usually people get headaches during early use I think

13-07-16, 20:55
Do you have a history of headaches?

Is there any chance that you grind your teeth at night? That can cause migraines and tension headaches as well.

I'd look into the tooth grinding first, personally - I know it's something that I do and it gives me all kinds of headaches just from muscular pain.

Otherwise, have you tried meditation or other ways of relaxing? You could try some stretches to ease up your head/neck muscles, a cup of tea, some lavender drops, or a cool compress.

anx mum
13-07-16, 22:00
Hi I too have been getting headaches mine have been pretty constant. It's been 4 months now and I'm at the end of me tether. My drs telling me tension headaches. Know how u feel hun there so draining.

14-07-16, 09:23
Iha be had a constant pain in my temple on the left I don't take panadol they do not help.i have had a neck and shoulder massage today,but still have the headache.

anx mum
14-07-16, 12:49
How long have u had headache for? What does pain in temple mean?

14-07-16, 15:05
Wow That's exactly what I went through constant headaches for weeks on the left temple with a tingling sensation running across the top of my head couldn't stop googling the symptoms with the worst possible diagnosis so I ended up booking an eye test after reading that they could pick up possible tumors and other abnormalities which sent my anxiety and fears through the roof. All was fine with that however I noticed everytime I turned my neck I could feel and hear a crunching sensation so I went to a physio\chiropractor which pointed out all the headaches was from the neck and bad posture from all the anxiety. After 2 sessions of adjustments the headaches have completely gone but tends to mildly appear again when the neck is stiff.

anx mum
14-07-16, 15:15
We're headaches all over head? Mine is my right temple it's horrid

14-07-16, 15:28
It started at the back of the head more of an isolated stabbing pain which at this point I started to notice the tingling sensation at the top after about 2 weeks the stabbing pain subsided and than the chronic pounding pain in the left temple started to appear which drove me nuts I have a history of cracking my neck with ease but with all the tension and pain I just couldn't do it for weeks. If say try to get your hands of some good natural tiger balm and have your neck properly looked at by a hands on professional.

anx mum
14-07-16, 18:25
Not coping at all this evening head is driving me mad. Waiting to see headache specialist. The pain in temple feels stabbing. Do u use tiger balm on temples? My neck has had pain but has subsided. How u coping u take 0ainkillers

14-07-16, 18:55
I totally understand what you may be going through and I'm sorry you are going through it. As for painkillers I started taking em but they didn't do anything. How long have you been suffering with headaches? I went about 4 weeks constantly. with the tiger balm you rub\massage it into the neck and its great at reducing tension and muscle strains it may be worth a shot. You may be surprised at the problems a bad neck can cause.

anx mum
14-07-16, 19:08
Had constant headache for 4 months now feel so alone. Been too drs many times saying tension. Always worse this time of night til I sleep. Having a massage tomorrow if anything will relax me. Did u have sharp pains in temple? Just want life bk. U on fb?

14-07-16, 19:47
I would also recommend seeing a chiropractor what they figured with me was that I had 2-3 vertebraes compressed together trapping the nerves causing all the headaches and what was happening was as I turned or tilted my head the compressed vertebras where moving together instead of single separate movements and after a few neck adjustments it worked wonders I have another appointment tomorrow in fact. I'm sorry but I don't have fb never did.

---------- Post added at 19:47 ---------- Previous post was at 19:43 ----------

Why pain is more evident at night There are fewer distractions at night.

During the day, we need to concentrate on many things besides our pain. Phone calls, business meetings, and errands actually serve as powerful non-drug painkillers, because when our mind is preoccupied with other things, it feels less pain.

At night, the stimulation and diversions around us drop, leaving plenty of time for the brain to focus on our discomfort. This phenomenon was noticed in American armed forces at Anzio Beach during World War II. When severely wounded soldiers were evacuated from the front lines, they didn’t react to pain in typical ways. Why not? The relief of being removed from danger was so great that it distracted them from their suffering. You probably don’t experience bombs and gunfire going off around you on your average day (we hope!), but even the stress and distraction that accompanies a busy weekend, or a day at the office, can keep your focus off of what hurts.

Carbon dioxide levels may be to blame.

You breathe oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide. That’s common knowledge. But most people don’t know that your blood vessels expand when your body has a higher carbon dioxide concentration. Part of the circadian rhythm (your cycle of waking in the day, and sleeping at night) includes breathing more slowly in the evenings, when you are relaxing. That results in higher carbon dioxide levels in your bloodstream, which will dilate your blood vessels, and cause your nerves to become more sensitive.

anx mum
14-07-16, 20:10
Thank u so much for your advice. When I had my massage last week she said my neck was tight. Just don't know what's going on anymore. My anx is through the roof. Just hoping I see headache specialist soon. How did u get to see a chiropractic person?

14-07-16, 20:31
I went through sever health anxiety not for this reason but for other medical issues before the headaches began and I can tell you just as you know its not fun in fact its almost crippling where you can't function at all. I can wholeheartly say you will be fine the anxiety is not helping because you are not giving your mind that break it desperately needs. What I came up with was when I suffered with it after 4 weeks I started to tell myself that if it was serious than something should have give by now and you have been suffering for 4 months keep telling yourself that and it will eventually become boring thinking about it making your anxiety levels to drop. As for the chiropractor I just visited the closest one to me and booked an appointment. I went to a physio but found them to be not very helpful they just gave me some leaflets and told me to go home and follow the stretching guide on the leaflets.

dizzy daisy
14-07-16, 22:51
I guessing tension headaches which is horrendous once it starts. I had a spate many years ago which lasted months and I was also diagnosed with migraine at this time. Little did I know, the more I was worrying about headache, the more I was tensing up and of course this resulted in more headache.
In not sure about the meds causing it, maybe someone else can comment on that.
In the meantime all you can do is try to relax as much as possible , can you put warm compresses around your neck etc?

anx mum
14-07-16, 22:59
Thank u gals nice to know I'm not alone having these horrid symptoms. I just hope I can move on from this soon. It's affected my life so much.

14-07-16, 23:31
I haven't had to take panadol in a week, but still, I have had tension headaches most of the week and a migraine today, I wish I could safely take panadol without worrying.. But I don't want increased anxiety from the tablets... Oh anxiety

---------- Post added at 19:08 ---------- Previous post was at 18:59 ----------

Also! I am on 275mg of zoloft.. Maybe that cpuld be it? I have been on five months though.. Usually people get headaches during early use I think

Just wondering...who told you to take 275mg's of Z?

anx mum
15-07-16, 14:38
Really can't take anymore these headaches are so bad not getting anywhere with headache specialist.

15-07-16, 14:45
Really can't take anymore these headaches are so bad not getting anywhere with headache specialist.

What if you consulted a mental health specialist that could help you with the anxiety, stress and tension that's actually causing your headaches?

Positive thoughts

anx mum
15-07-16, 21:18
Today thought have a massage shoulders back and neck and lady asked if she could do head I said yes now I am in agony. My right side of head feels bruised really feel something is wrong even head touching pillow head hurts

17-04-19, 21:59
My headaches also tend to aim for my right temple. Sometimes it also makes my right eye feel strained. I've been to opthalmologist and my doctor and they think it's just stress and tension. It is relentless!