View Full Version : Stressed with worries

13-07-16, 19:51
I'm worried at the moment as I've had a tough year:

I've had lots of issues to worry about like lack of bowel movements not going for 3-4 days compared to the once I went before.

My OCD has been bad and there's a waiting list for cbt so I have to suffer.

My back has been in pain in the morning been told by doctor it's posture but worry I will forever have a sore back for years will this happen? Or will it improve?

I'm on tablets as I had a manic episode so I worry about being on them the new doctor I went to wants blood tests every three months but I don't fancy doing this they also wanted a urine sample as I changed to a new doctor this year due to moving again I don't fancy this. I hate being on tablets too so my worry is I will be on them forever as one doctor said I would and one said I wouldn't ? I had this happen in the past but I was off tablets for 9 years.

I'm 27 but feel I'm falling apart due to this stress. I had a breakdown eatlier this year as I was worried about my job and I'm skint aswell so money worried are worrying me. I feel I've never any money since getting a house my life just seems depressing as I can't do much anymore.

Is there some positive ahead after such a bad year? :weep:

13-07-16, 22:03
Hi Phil, I know it's hard to deal when you get hit with multiple stressors. I've had a lot happen this year to me as well and have struggled to cope. Never thought I would get past a couple of them, but here just a couple weeks later those difficult ones are resolved.

I would say to keep on moving and look for any answers you can find to your stressors. Try working on resolving one thing at a time, as you get more resolved you will feel better. Also if you need help resolving/working on ones are there family/friends you can talk to or ask for help in figuring out a problem?

Just wanted you to know that it can and does get better. Sometimes even just a small positive thing can help, like a kind word from a stranger or an old song on the radio that you love.

23-07-16, 11:29
The worries keep mounting up for me my gas and electric bill has doubled in price and I stay in a flat and the house above me is being rough casted so that means loads of mess.

Also at work I was under paid again this happened before and I never got it back so this worries me so I have been looking for another job but there's not many and I fear a change ..seems one thing after another this year still got issues like sore back when I wake up

Can anybody help? Will things get better? :blush:

23-07-16, 11:46
Unfortunately Phil06 nobody can say with a definite answer whether things will get better, but most likely they will. Financial difficulties are usually never lifelong. I'm also 27 and we also have financial difficulties due to me not being able to work. We can afford all the necessities like food, soap powder, toiletries etc but days out are a definite no go. It's very depressing, I don't buy new shoes until my soles are literally falling off as I know that means having a few days with literally not a penny and given I have a 9 year old and despise sitting in the house it gets really hard. I live off £80 a week and some people think that is a good amount but I can guarantee it isn't.

All I can say is you aren't alone. It's a horrible situation to be in. Are you getting all the financial help you're entitled to? If you have a low income are you not entitled to help towards rent? Do you live alone? You could be also be entitled to Working Tax Credits if you have below a certain amount if income.

24-07-16, 11:44
Unfortunately Phil06 nobody can say with a definite answer whether things will get better, but most likely they will. Financial difficulties are usually never lifelong. I'm also 27 and we also have financial difficulties due to me not being able to work. We can afford all the necessities like food, soap powder, toiletries etc but days out are a definite no go. It's very depressing, I don't buy new shoes until my soles are literally falling off as I know that means having a few days with literally not a penny and given I have a 9 year old and despise sitting in the house it gets really hard. I live off £80 a week and some people think that is a good amount but I can guarantee it isn't.

All I can say is you aren't alone. It's a horrible situation to be in. Are you getting all the financial help you're entitled to? If you have a low income are you not entitled to help towards rent? Do you live alone? You could be also be entitled to Working Tax Credits if you have below a certain amount if income.

I stay with my girlfiend im quite lucky I can walk to my work but im not happy so started to apply to new jobs. There use to be overtime now there's not so I can never buy anything extra. Just seems this year is full of stress for me I already had one breakdown. Don't think I'm due any working tax credits as I only do 24 hours. Just little things stress me to big things I use to have money before I moved out now I don't. :blush:

I guess many of my worries others have to deal with but my flat needs new window and boilers an these jobs cost thousands and I just don't earn that much. I stay in a mortgage flat so I have to fork out these costs myself.

24-07-16, 12:41
Yeah tax credits does state you need to work 30 hours. We can't claim it either as my partner only works 16 hours and you need to work 24 when you're in a couple and have a child.
Could you not contact your mortgage provider and come up with some sort of agreement for the time being? I know somebody who paid interest only while they were struggling financially.
Are you not entitled to a boiler grant? I'm not sure about what help is available really as I've never had a mortgage but I do know you can pay interest only (obviously depending on provider).
I used to say i don't care how much money I have as long as I'm happy, but when you aren't happy and have no money life is very, very difficult. My daughter always comes home saying her friends have been here, there and everywhere and I feel like such a crap parent her having to go into school saying she went to the town or Asda or something ha. Her life is so unbelievably crap for a child I feel painfully guilty.
The other week a relative actually asked my daughter if we were going to see something at the cinema and it annoyed me as we don't have the money and this relative knows that. My daughter just looked at me and I felt awful.
Try ringing citizens advice or something they may be able to see if there is any help available.