View Full Version : How long for HA symptoms to dissipate?

13-07-16, 22:12
So I have had this crazy fear of lung cancer going on about a month now, convinced I have it, even after chest xrays coming up crystal clear and doctor visits telling me my cough is allergies. Anyways, I have had:

tingling and numbness in my limbs

involuntary deep breaths periodically

trouble sleeping

diahrea and upset stomach

plus I have been going to the gym daily and I seem to be not recovering as quickly as I should be (13 years in the army with daily pt, never had a muscle strain take this long to heal)

and the one that has been taunting me and egging on my lung cancer fear is chest pains, like a sharp stabbing, sometimes burning feeling that comes and goes-plus after a hard running session, at the end I get a sharp pain in my right side, and I have to force myself to inhale deeply for it to go away.

Now I know most of these are symptoms of anxiety, and I am also certain since my xrays came out perfect plus my doc said my lungs sound perfect with no weezing or any signs of sickness that the pains are due to straining my intercoastal muscles.

My question is, to all those who have had HA in the past, how long did these symptoms last before they got better? I myself have been feeling a lot better lately, thanks to the support of my friends and wife, plus this site has been helpful. Mentally, I almost feel back to my normal self, yet some of these symptoms seem to be lingering. So for anyone who has found a way to beat your HA, how long did your symptoms linger?

13-07-16, 22:32
How long is a piece of string is the best answer! As long as you have stress hormones raging through your body then you can have the symptoms. Instead of asking when will these symptoms go its better to ask how can I accept these symptoms are just a sign that I have high levels of anxiety hormones and how can I reduce these hormones. Once you accept that the symptoms although very unpleasant are not sign of anything nasty then you will find that the symptoms disappear gradually.

Re the lung cancer - I have a very close friend with this at the moment and she had none of the symptoms you are worrying over re lung cancer. If you can go to the gym then believe me you don't have lung cancer!

14-07-16, 00:33
What country girl says is probably correct. Everyone is different. But for me it was probably about a year. Time itself I think helps. Just the fact that nothing has progressed in you is a great indication nothing is wrong. You said most of what you are experiencing can be attributed to anxiety. I would say EVERYTHING you said can be attributed to anxiety. You are perfectly healthy my friend...except for your HA. Which will get better over time.


14-07-16, 01:17
Your anxiety is like a campfire. When it's bad, the fire is blazing. When it's not so bad you still have a bed of hot anxiety coals just waiting for a little fuel to start burning again. It takes a while for those hot coals to finally go out.

Everyone is different. Therapy in order to learn coping techniques will help extinguish the flames faster. There's always the option of meds as well.

Positive thoughts