View Full Version : I am terrified of having hiv from sexual assault advice needed

14-07-16, 01:40
So I was sexually assaulted beginning of February. There was no penetration. There was just rubbing on my vagina and he flipped me on my stomach and rubbed his part on my butt. He didn't go inside of me. But later that night when i was home I felt something wet inside my butt. But I was so out of it it could've just been my imagination. He said he's clean, but people lie and sometimes don't know. The nurse said the chance is minuscule,but if it is why are they making me test again? The incident happened beginning of February. I got tested towards the end of April and it was negative. I was sick on and off through March and I had pink eye, but I wasn't sleeping or eating and beyond stressed. but now last week I started feeling sick. And I had an appointment to get the medication lamasil for an issue unrelated. So they gave me lamasil to take it that night and the next morning I woke up with a swollen lymph node on my neck. A side effect of the medication can be swollen glands, but swollen glands can also be a sign of hiv. My mom said it is just from being sick, but I am still so beyond scared and terrified. Ive had it for almost 2 weeks even though I now feel better. What are my chances of getting hiv from that and does a swollen lymph node definitely mean hiv? Please help I am so scared

14-07-16, 05:48
I'm really sorry to hear of the trauma you have been through. :hugs::flowers:

There will be protocols they have to follow with an assault of this nature. Regardless of miniscule risk, they will want to rule out any risk at all for your own piece of mind. What is important is what the nurse has said, she will understand all the risks and what needs to be done in terms of testing and why. Later tests for HIV are normally required anyway if they are conducted too soon.

I would suggest talking to them about this or perhaps a support service dedicated to helping victims of sexual assault. I'm sure they could give you better answers.

I also hope this person is prosecuted and pays for what he has put you through.

In terms of the glands, I wouldn't jump to any conclusions. The nurse said the risk was miniscule and you have a much higher possibility that it is a side effect from the medication.