View Full Version : So stressed. Adulting is hard!

14-07-16, 04:20
We are a family of 3 right now. Our daughter is 6. We want to have Another kid( at least I do). So we are like hey let's move bs size our house is way to small for 2 kids. Plus our house needs too much work. So we fill out loan apps and look at many many many houses and we can't find anything. So people keep telling us to stay where we are a fix it up. I'm so stressed! It's starting all over with the bank and everything. We have no place to live while we redo our house. Yes it would be cheaper to fix our house because we already own it. We love our land and was hard for me to decide to give it up. So in my head I'm ready to move and get on with life. Well now my husband wants to stay and do the work himself( he says oh it won't take long I'll want to finish it so I'll move fast) ya I call bullpoop. He works construction all day and he's gonna wanna come home and build an addition? I don't think so but he says he will. I'm 30 and I don't want to wait any longer to have another one. But he says we have plenty of time. Dude! It's my body and I don't wanna wait! I'm worried about risks involved with being older having kids. I have no idea what to do. I want to scream and cry!

14-07-16, 06:44
When he gets home and settles down in his favourite chair, this will be you http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/agressive/t0120.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/t-agressive.php)http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/rtfm/t1940.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/t-rtfm.php) ready to remind him he hasn't finished work yet and it's his own fault!

It sounds like he needs to come up with a timescale rather than just do a bit here & there and slowly roll along. Can he do that and then you have something to work with in terms of having another kid?

14-07-16, 16:02
Our house needs ALOT of work and it's just seems dumb to try to fix it. Crooked floors and stuff. Just all sees hard and tedious. Yet still cheaper than a mortgage. I'm so angry and stressed I'm gonna just burn it down! I d been calling banks and because the house isn't worth much we won't get much to fix it.

14-07-16, 16:42
Yes, "Adulting is hard!"

Don't you wish you just be and act like a kid again? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5g4ayKtbqUg)

I watch children and it's like one big acid trip for years when their young :)

Positive thoughts

14-07-16, 17:44
I wanna go sit on the corner and sleep for days. Probably wOnt help get anything done!

---------- Post added at 16:44 ---------- Previous post was at 16:43 ----------

I wish someone would just make this decision for us. Move and get a big mortgage or stay and deal with construction for a year or so and not owe as much. :/

17-07-16, 14:47
UPDATE: a friend of my husbands GAVE us a cabin that's near the lake. Nothing is wrong with it except it's getting dangerously close to falling off a cliff so we have to move it. The guy knows the company that moves houses and will cut us a major deal to move it. The cabin needs some work and a major cleaning but it's all pine floors and walls inside and the wood is in great condition. It needs a new kitchen and the bedrooms are tiny tiny tiny. My husband has all the aspirations to build off and upgrade this place and make it amazing. I just don't see it. The cabin in like 80 years old only 1000 square feet. It's cute and all but it's meant as a vacation place. There no place to hang clothes or put stuff. I just don't see it working. I feel like it's settling because we can't find a house. I don't want to seem greedy but I don't wanna live in this tiny cabin either. His friend is a carpenter and has offered to help us for free to build a basement and an addition into the house. We just have to pay for materials. It would be the cheapest thing we could do to be in a new house. This whole thing just got ten times more stressful!

17-07-16, 15:15
He gave it to you! That's a generous friend indeed.

18-07-16, 03:55
Yes, it's very generous but it not exactly what we wanted. But I want to stay here on our property so it seems the only option is to take the cabin and stay on our land and hope we are happy. But that scares me. What if we hate the cabin?

19-07-16, 04:44
No we have to move the cabin because it's going to fall off the cliff within a few years