View Full Version : davebrum

08-10-04, 00:12
hi my name is david i live with my partner bill and are dogs and cat
i have suffered from anxiety and agorophobia for the last 8 years afer recieving cbt and anxiety managment i felt a great improvement in my life
the right gp and medication have also helped
i belive strongly that humour is the key to many of lifes downers
why cry when you can laugh


08-10-04, 00:15
Hi Dave

Welcome to the site and good to see a positive post.

By reading it you have suffered but you wont let it beat you, way to go mate.

On here you will get lots of support, advice and help and you will also realise by no way that you are alone.

Pleased you joined.

Love Sal xxxxx

08-10-04, 00:20
thanks sal i know i will get alot of support and hope to support any one else who needs it

08-10-04, 00:25
Hi Dave

Good to meet you and to see that you will also help others and get help yourself. However we can help we will mate.

Anything you need just ask.

Love Sal xxxxx

08-10-04, 00:30
Hi Dave

Welcome to the site.

I'm sure you will get a lot of support here. It's great to hear that you want to offer support to others too.


08-10-04, 07:28
HI Dave ,

Good to have you on board .

Glad to hear things have improved for you with meds and therapy.

We wil help all we can , what part of it all is the worst for you now . How agoraphobic are you ?

Do share a bit more about your circumstances


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

08-10-04, 09:35
Hi Dave , thats the spirt!!! Don't let it get you down mate!! We're all here for support and advice and friendship, I know it can get to us all at times but having NMP site helps a whole lot, hope we speak soon Tara xxx

08-10-04, 10:19
Hi Dave!

Welcome and keep the high strong spirits up! :)

You are in the right place!

Love Minny..xxx

08-10-04, 10:59
Hi Dave

Welcome to the site. Great to hear you're determined to fight it.

You'll find great support here


08-10-04, 11:45
Hi Dave,

Welcome to the site!!

[Wow!] you have such a positive attitude!!

I'm sure you will find loads of support here and meet lots of friendly people!!

Sarah :D

08-10-04, 19:55
Welcome Dave

Sorry you had to come on last night to the joke about Twinkle's fake death - can't have been a good intro for you.

We are not normally like that - honest!

You will get loads of support her so welcome aboard and look forward to hearing more from you.


09-10-04, 09:24
Hi again David, I've had anxiety for many years but I didn't know what it was I thought I was just a really werid person, til i had my first major panic attack just over a year ago and i had to go to hospital, i'd had a few p/a a few days before this (didn't know what it was) , there it was diagnosed and now i had a name for what why i thought i was werid!!! God my world fell apart and so did I, I felt like I was the only person on this planet who had this, enough moaning now (slap my hand!!)

I'm now a year down the road, I take medication which has helped me a lot, i've never had councilling, but god do i need it lol I find that having a sense of humour is the best medicine as a smile brings joy, hope we speak again soon Tara xxx

10-10-04, 15:03
hi dave, are u from brum, i am just down the road in kidderminster, have had panic attacks for 6 years now, its a struggle but hey were still here, take care, paul

10-10-04, 16:16
Hi Dave, hope you enjoyed your night out! Tara x

10-10-04, 17:26
Welcome dave, u r not far from me Coventry. have met u a few times in room and glad u found the message forum cya Vernon

10-10-04, 21:09
Welcome to the site Dave, I hope you find it useful and fun!


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

12-10-04, 18:35
Hi Dave,



May your troubles be less
and your blessings be more
and nothing but happiness
come through your door..

14-10-04, 09:33
Hiya Dave

A big and warm welcome to the forum mate :D

Have to say your post really made me smile - have you tried reading R.D. Laing or T. Szasz? They make great reading regarding an alternative perspective on mental health issues (i.e. its the rest of society that has the problem).

Love to hear about your cat and 2 dogs - I have two Weimaraners called Holly and Jazz who are both totally nuts.

Glad to hear things are picking up for you and you've certainly come to the right place for lots of help and support.

Best wishes, Jo x