View Full Version : what ya doing today???

19-03-07, 12:21
hello guys and gals... just wondering what everyone does during the day??? i cant work so im pretty bored most of the time, plus i cant go out on my own and since all my mates are 'normal' and work im stuck at home on my own. before all this started i couldn't believe how people could stay at home all day, even the thought of it use to drive me mad but here i am being a bum... what do you lot do during the days???

19-03-07, 12:38
lol... ha ha ha... yep, i just turn my computer on in the morning and leave it on all day... (should be thinking of the enviroment a bit more really), do you have family or anything or do you just fill your day with housework and other boring stuff???

19-03-07, 13:16
Yup, that's me too. Boring and frustrating being stuck in all the time. Going out to the shops on my own is usually my big exitement, but I'm fully stocked up with food right now. :huh:

Most of my day is spent watching awful tv, and coming on here occasionally. I'm not texas holdem poker champion for no reason. :ohmy: :blush:

I'm stuck watching the history channel now, can't even remember what I'm watching it's so boring, lol. :wacko:


19-03-07, 13:27
lol... oh im so so so so bored.. would like to chat to everyone in the chat room but my computer is being annoying and wont let me download java so i cant get into it.. even got my boyfriends twin to come around cos he's a computer boffin but even he couldnt work it out.. anyway i'm talking crap now, god, can you tell im bored..

19-03-07, 13:57
At least it's cold, rainy and yucky outside. Makes me feel better about being inside and nice and warm. :)

My fav afternoon tv starts in a bit, Doctors then Diagnosis Murder - Dick Van Dyke ftw! :shades:


19-03-07, 14:00
ha ha... wish i could agree... but its gorgeous here today... i can see the sea from my bedroom window wish i could get there... lol

19-03-07, 14:18
ha ha.. yeah it is pretty gorgeous, huge beach, lotsa sand dunes, good for sunbathing topless in the summer cos its miles and miles long and pretty empty most of the time.. :yesyes: ... love going down with loadsa mates in summer, building a fire with all the driftwood, having a bbq and sleeping on the beach the night with a couple bottles of wine, oh yes :yesyes: ... oh lovely its just started hailing outside, apparently its snowing in mid wales according to my mum, think i'll carry on daydreaming about watching the sun set on the beach.. lol

19-03-07, 14:21
Felt pretty tired this morning and got up at around 11.30 (usually get up around 10) and did my daily rounds on the PC.

I have my Photo-a-Day project and this morning decided to do a dimly lit shot of my mug!

This afternoon I have an appointment with my therapist, and may go shopping after that.

I avoid daytime TV and enjoy listening to the radio instead. I'll most likely enjoy a phone call to my buddy later on to see how her day of anxiety went!

I do make a point of going out each day despite any bad weather, but its rare for me to stomach more than an hour. But if its a nice day, it becomes easier, even though I'll feel bad later on.

19-03-07, 14:23
thanks for your reply.. i LOVE your idea of a picture a day project... i LOVE photography... think i might do it myself... enjoy your day

19-03-07, 15:22
When I'm very anxious I find it hard to get out and end up pacing around the house. When I'm well it's completely different. However I feel I try to go out to do at least one thing each day. Like walk to the shop, go for a swim. Today I did the grocery shopping and took the dog to the vet. Another day I might go for a mooch around the shops, another day do a yoga class. I find just one thing in a day breaks the monotony of being stuck at home. I never turn on the tv during the day as i start feeling guilty and there's nothing decent on.

19-03-07, 16:06
Hi everyone!

Well, I'm still in school but past official 'hometime'.....hence my presence here lol! :noangel:

I love photography too (although I am abissmal at it!) why take two photos when 102 will do?!!!

Found a little program from Microsoft (free would you believe! that's a first! oops, sorry anyone who works for them!) It's called Photo Story and I've been playing around with it this afternoon.............ready for my IT lesson on Wednesday I might add!

It's great to be able to put your photos in a presentation and add music or record your own voice.

Ross has probably already heard of it, but here's the link anyway if anyone else is interested and hasn't heard of it!!



lotsa luv

GG :emot-dance:


19-03-07, 16:13
ooo.. thank you so much.. i'll have a look now

19-03-07, 16:37
i have to go to the dentist and im like ugggggggggg i broke a tooth never have before so im freakin inside i never was to afraid of dentist but today i am i even have to have my son go with me that makes me feel like shit,the baby i raised is now holding my hand ffs.....:( wish me luck............linda

19-03-07, 17:26
good luck... ive just left one of my back teeth to rot because im too scared to go to the dentist... really not good, well done for going anyway, sure your son doesnt mind giving you a bitta support

19-03-07, 19:13
I am an expert on all daytime TV, the internet and sleeping!!!!

Sarah x

19-03-07, 19:25
ha ha... me too... although dont tell my fella i said that