View Full Version : Has you Dr ever dismissed you/washed their hands of you

14-07-16, 16:55
Having a terrible day !

So I've been posting about issues with my enlarged tonsil and discomfort in another section.
I went back to the Dr today (not my regular GP) as it had been almost two weeks since I last saw someone, and 1 month since symptoms started.

The Dr I saw today completely dismissed my tonsil problem and put it down to anxiety.
I'm in constant discomfort with my throat, I am not making this up!

She could see from my history that I've recently had a breast lump (benign), abnormal cervical bleeding / smears, painful stomach issues (severe ibs). I can understand why she thinks I'm just 'anxious' , and yes I am hyper sensitive to things ... Hence being a member on here! But... I've had tonsillitis and severe sore throats before and never gone to the Dr, the reason I went this time is because my symptoms have been here for over a month and my throat, jaw and ears hurt constantly !

Has anyone else been 'dismissed' like this due to their HA history? I've had such a horrible, tearful day X