View Full Version : Jawline painful to touch since yesterday.

14-07-16, 22:23
My right jawline feels very tender to touch. Not when eating or anything just when I lean on it or touch it. I have lymph nodes around there (we all do) and none feel larger than they have. I'm assuming this is start of a cold?

15-07-16, 15:25
I have had this many times over the past 30 years, I will have one area of my jaw about inch across that is very painful if I touch it on the bone but thats it - generally it last about a week and goes away. I can go months without it then it will be back in a different place for a week!

Its not lymph nodes as I can feel my lymph nodes under jaw and they do not hurt at all its the actual jaw bone that hurts to touch.

with me its probably related to my tmj joint dysfunction causing pain to radiate into jaw. Whatever it is with me its nothing to worry about as it comes and goes in a week or so.

Very occasionally it can be caused by a blocked hair follicle or sweat gland so you can feel a very very slight spot under the skin but it never becomes visible to the eye and again goes away in a few weeks.

15-07-16, 16:49
It's barely there today a few days later, not sure if related at all but I had bit my cheek and kept catching it. But with my anxiety I do grind my teeth.

16-07-16, 05:01
It's probably a nerve. There are long chains strands of nerves all over your head and some run down the length of your jaw, up around you eyes, etc.