View Full Version : Full circle.....again

14-07-16, 23:47
Well it has been about 2 years since my last post, and i was starting to feel as thought things were going right seemed to be dealing with the anxiety to a somewhat manageable degree. ( stopped thinking it was something else and constantly visiting A and E ) however it seems again i have come full circle the last few weeks has and are very tough , i have visited A and E several times all tests which have been done have come back negative and all has been put down to anxiety. Heres my issue/problem for the large part of my life since early teens i have suffered with anxiety GAD which eventually turned into health anxiety aswell. i have always had rapid heart beat and would sweat a lot but this time it has been different, i had a tooth extraction ( something i was putting off for months and months due to my fear ) strangely though i managed to get though this without too much issue ....... then came dry socket and an infection with an alergic reaction to penicillin ontop. Now i seem to not be able to convince myself it is just anxiety as my somatic syptoms seem so different i used to get really hot and flushy and would sweat , now i seem to feel really cold on the forehead and around the heart i am waking up in constant panic attacks and finding things very difficult to accept this is just anxiety as the symptoms seem so different. Has anyone else expericenced the feeling of being extremely cold a rapid heart beat almost constantly ( around the 120 mark ) i have had all sorts of bloods taken and ecgs done again and apart from the rapid heart beat nothing for concern and many doctors have all said the same health anxiety. it just seems so at odds with how i have felt in the past with this level of anxiety , has anyone else experienced changing anxiety symptoms and these sorts of issues , i can tell myself the heart beat the constant wind burping shakes muscle spasms are down to stress/anxiety the shortness of breath but this coldness seems so very strange to me and i suppose im hoping that some of you guys have also experienced this too. I have recently had CBT where it seems to have had a negative impact on my health anxiety as i think i was pushed far too quickly to soon , i practice breathing techniques often and also have tried medatation but doesnt seem to make a difference i still have a trapped inside my mind feeling i know it takes time to recover properly from such an episode does anyone have any top tips to help/aid a fellow sufferer ? tyvm as always your friendly anxiety chap !!! :blush: