View Full Version : The long awaited day!!!!

chatty girl
15-07-16, 09:11
Hi all, here I am again!! Well today's the long awaited day I have my flexible sigmoidoscopy!

Done all the awful prep and truely how awful it is!

Has anyone had one of these or similar? I'm wondering if I will get told today if what a dread is wrong or will I have to wait. I'm absolutely convinced I have bowel cancer by the way and am absolutely terrified!


15-07-16, 09:51
It's a really really easy procedure, and takes about 5 minutes! You'll be fine honestly. The tube going up your bottom may feel odd at first but it really is so simple.
There will be a screen in front of you so you can see your colon but just look away or close your eyes if you don't want to see it X

15-07-16, 11:34
Yes a couple of years ago. I was brave enough since i was fully awake to look on the screen during the scan. I remember the prep I did was not very nice. I had fun and games with the gown.

I also met someone who having something similar done, he was much older than me and helped calm me down.

chatty girl
15-07-16, 12:20
Thanks guys xxx

I feel awful from not eating, I've been drinking plenty but thats it now until after my appointment!

I just want it over, I'm trying to hold it together but failing fast! Hubby coming with me so at least someone there xx