View Full Version : Worse when tired - anyone else?

15-07-16, 10:32
I've been diagnosed with GAD and discharged from the CBT I was having because my scores were so low.
But..does anyone else feel a lot more anxious when tired? I thought I was getting a lot better, in fact I must be because this morning I accepted a last minute invitation to a cafe from some people I don't know that well, despite feeling very tired, which leads me to feel jittery and on edge.
As soon as I sat down I felt trapped and I felt like I was talking at 100 mph and couldn't keep eye contact, then I felt very hot all over. I did my best to ignore it and after an hour I was a little better and then it was time to go.
This really annoys me as I want to do these things, I want to be more sociable! I want to be relaxed like the others in the group and not have to feel like this.

I'm due to start sertraline tomorrow..will this help with these symptoms?