View Full Version : Anxious

15-07-16, 11:18
so stressed at the moment, feel dizzy and very trembly and am constantly on edge and unbelievably feel like i could burst into tears at any moment!!! Are these normal signs of Anxiety i dont have any particular reason for feeeling stressed or Anxious so suppose it could be a build up of things.

K A.

15-07-16, 18:10
KA, these are certainly symptoms of anxiety - I know them only too well.

Do you notice any tension when you get dizzy, or are you breathing shallowly or holding your breath? When I get dizzy my natural reaction is to tense up, curl my body up and hold my breath (from the shock of the sudden feeling). However, what I've now vowed to do is hold myself upright, look straight ahead, breathe slowly and deeply and keep on going.

Anxiety is often due to a build of of issues rather than one issue which is easy to pinpoint. Understand this is anxiety and can't hurt you.

16-07-16, 23:51
Yes these are very common symptoms of stress and anxiety i suffered for 7-8 weeks with sever health anxiety and every second of the day I felt dizzy\lightheaded, the feeling of toppling over when completely stationary, jelly legs,weak arms, constant headaches, muscle aches, loss of appetite, lost approx 15 lbs in weight, palpitations, night sweats, nightmares lack of sleep and the list goes on and on. Its unbelievable what the body goes through I learnt to weather the storm and the anxiety wore off but I was still getting the symptoms but they eventually wore off too after a week or so. So try to ride it out and you'll be fine but as long as the anxiety is present so will the symptoms.

18-07-16, 05:52
thanks for replying, KA

19-07-16, 17:15
Saf138, have I understood correctly your anxiety Went then a week later your physical symptoms Went?

Kerryann hope you feel better

19-07-16, 19:12
Saf138, have I understood correctly your anxiety Went then a week later your physical symptoms Went?

Kerryann hope you feel better

That is correct I was beginning to think I had done permanent damaged to myself because the anxiety was no longer present but the symptoms were especially the dizziness, weak legs and headaches but with the anxiety gone I was able to not think about it too much and the symptons eventually wore off where I was back to my old self. We can at times be our own worst enemy but as long as you fight it you will be fine.

19-07-16, 19:24
Didn't know there could be,a gap like that I thought more or less both went stsame time. Thanks

19-07-16, 20:22
Didn't know there could be,a gap like that I thought more or less both went stsame time. Thanks

That sounds reasonable but I was told by my doctor that anxiety is a mental issue with very real physical symptoms so when the anxiety is no longer present the body takes a bit of time to wind itself down again. Take care.