View Full Version : HIV from blood on food?

15-07-16, 12:37
So the past few months my HA has pointed towards contracting HIV from food, i get worried id I eat out in a restraunt or by a sandwich from a shop that maybe someone has done something to it or accidently cut themselves with out knowing. But I read on a health website the following;

"You cannot get HIV by eating food with blood on it. HIV in the blood does not survive long outside the body. The time the blood would spend in contact with the mucous membranes in the mouth is minimal, if at all, when consumed with food."

Is this statement correct?

15-07-16, 12:43
"You cannot get HIV by eating food with blood on it. HIV in the blood does not survive long outside the body. The time the blood would spend in contact with the mucous membranes in the mouth is minimal, if at all, when consumed with food."

Is this statement correct?

100% From the CDC: You can’t get HIV from consuming food handled by an HIV-infected person. Even if the food contained small amounts of HIV-infected blood or semen, exposure to the air, heat from cooking, and stomach acid would destroy the virus.

Positive thoughts free from such an irrational fear.

16-07-16, 11:48
Yes, it is correct, it dies within minutes, and even if you ingested it when it hasn't died off yet chances are still very low. Your stomach acid and saliva would kill it.