View Full Version : biopsy help

15-07-16, 18:57
Hey there everyone so I had a colonoscopy today and they took some biopsies and they said all my colon looked normal apart from some tiny superficial ulcers, but I got a text saying I have another Gastro appointment for next Friday and I'm freakinng out does this mean they found something terrible? Because they've called me back so quickly? Or is it just routine to be a week later? Please someone help I'm getting all my anxiety back

15-07-16, 19:12
A week for a follow up to go over the results is totally normal and routine... I repeat... totally normal and routine. Heck, I was told they'd mail my results or call if something was up. A letter came about a week later. Followup in 5 years!

Positive thoughts

15-07-16, 19:44
Thank you fishmanpa, I guess it's because I'm used to having 3/4 week wait for follow ups if nothing is wrong so I automatically assumed the worst.

---------- Post added at 19:44 ---------- Previous post was at 19:30 ----------

It's just infuriating because I felt like I had a hold on the beast of anxiety and was finally making progress. :(

15-07-16, 19:45
They can't get pathology/histology results in a week so its more likely to discuss the test and what they saw with you.

15-07-16, 19:49
Oh really? The report I had said it was all clear aside from some tiny ulcers would it just be to discuss what to do next and stuff then?

15-07-16, 21:10
Think we are getting a bit mixed up here. If biopsies are sent away for analysis to the path lab then in uk/nhs they usually take about 2-4 weeks to get results.
When you have a colonoscopy etc they give you the results of the colonoscopy straight away in what they see and what they think.
Did they send actual biopsies away to the lab after the proceedure or is this just the result of the colonsocopy?

Sorry if I have confused you but the title of biopsies usually means the above. It is of course possible that you have a super duper path lab in your area:)

15-07-16, 21:28
Basically after the colonoscopy the report said they took random biopsies from within various parts of my colon and such, and then later on the day after I've had the colonoscopy I got a text saying I have an appointment to see the consultant a week later.

So I was very worried that the biopsy had come back with something bad or they'd seen something horrible, I'm so sorry for confusing you! I don't explain it well.

15-07-16, 22:34
I agree it is puzzling. I am certain that there is no way the biopsies they took were analyzed in a matter of hours. There are some biopsies for things like coeliac disease and h pylori infection that come back very fast but these biopsies are from the upper endoscopies not bowel.

So whilst it is very puzzling it could just be the way your health authority works and not a sign of anything sinister.

Can you ring the endoscopy dept on Monday and ask for an explanation of why you have been sent this appt as it could be a normal thing to happen.

15-07-16, 22:41
Yeah i may well do that, thank you for the advice. I'll give them a ring and see what they say. :)

16-07-16, 16:16
I gave them a ring and they said they'd ring back. Still waiting I suppose. Though most people seem to think a week follow up would be normal considering the action on he colonoscopy report says "back to referring physician"