View Full Version : Very movable lump in breast, trying to be calm.

15-07-16, 20:05
I JUST went through a breast fiasco a couple months ago when I found a dimple in my right breast. Had the whole work up, mammogram/ultrasound, saw a surgeon 3 times and eventually had a breast MRI, all clear and normal. I relaxed and felt great for 2 months. Then 2 weeks ago I did a breast exam and found a very movable firmish/rubbery, painless lump. It feels about the size of a finger nail, in my right breast (same one as the dimple but different area). When I locate it, if I press on it, it flies around pretty easily so its defiantly movable. I know this lump is new, because I got to know my breasts pretty well during the other fiasco and this was not there. So its popped up within the last couple months. Of course, right off the bat, I panicked, but then reminded myself I JUST had a clear breast MRI 2 months ago. I waited a week and saw my GP which was a week ago now. She couldn't find the lump because it slips around so easily, but going by my description she wasn't worried but suggested I go back to see the surgeon. I have an appointment next Thursday and I'm getting anxious. I've managed to apply calming techniques and lots of prayers and have managed to keep mostly calm during this wait but you all know how health anxiety is.

I want to say its a cyst but I've never had one before, that I know of. I've never felt lumps in my breasts before so it has me worried. Can anyone relate? :shrug::scared15:

15-07-16, 21:07
Have you ever heard of a breast mouse? So named because when you try and get hold of it it shoots away like a little mouse. They are harmless but only a Dr can tell you for certain that this is what it is so for your peace of mind you do need to go and get examined.

I know its not what you want after your recent experience but you do need to get checked out as Drs can tell straight away if its a breast mouse and this would stop you worrying.

15-07-16, 21:24
Yes, I have heard of them. It defiantly fits the description but do they develop that quickly? I just had clear tests 2 months ago and the surgeon said "nothing seen at all, not even a benign cyst." That is what is throwing me off.

15-07-16, 22:54
Sounds like a breast mouse or a cyst - my breast cyst felt rubbery to the touch. And yep , breast cysts can pop up very quickly , but are completely benign.