View Full Version : Hi everyone, a quick introduction...

15-07-16, 20:18
Hello everyone,

I finally have the impression I have found the right website for discussing some of my personal anxiety issues. I have been suffering from anxiety disorder since I was 20, when I had food poisoning abroad. Since that time something felt different inside myself. I have had a lot of ups and downs in the following 15 years, and I am a bit embarrassed to say I have never asked for, or had any help from doctors. Just the occasional help from a family member, who is more sympathetic than others.

I hope to contribute with some of my positive experiences from the past 15 years, as well. I can imagine that for those that have these panic attacks for the first time it must be a very scary and hard to explain experience. I would be more than happy to comfort anyone, with the positives I have been through during the past 15 years, and there happen to have been many:)

As I am going through a rather difficult period right now, I have finally realised it might be even better to speak with other persons that might have very useful advice in the matter.

Looking forward to chatting and discussing with everyone.

A warm hug to you all

15-07-16, 20:24
Hiya alex3333 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

18-07-16, 14:43
Good morning Alex3333. After reading your post I will say, yes you have found a good place to vent your frustrations and shout your victories. I more than understand why you do not discuss your condition with others; other with than those you trust. But after two years of posting on NMP, I believe it's a safe place to be honest about our shared condition.

There is strength in numbers so I hope you find the same comfort here that I have. Best to you on your journey Alex3333.