View Full Version : When 40 mg doesn't cut it any more?

15-07-16, 20:27
I've been on 40mg for several years but I still get bad anxiety. I'm off to the doctors in about 10 days time to give him my sob story.

But what I want to know is, where could I go from here? :shrug:
I'm worried about changing meds but I need something as at times I'm heading towards a panic attack.

17-07-16, 10:53
Hi also have been on 40mg of cit for a few years and currently having a bad anxiety attack went to the doc and he recommended me changing the meds to sert I also take amitrip and pregabalin I am so scared of the side effects but docs gave me dizapam to help me too with my anxiety I feel nausea most of the time and I can seemed to function doesn't help having two kids my daughter suffers with anxiety she's only 9, are you going to change ?