View Full Version : Mild headache issue PLEASE PLEASE RESPOND

15-07-16, 21:58
Ok now I know I've posted here before about mild headaches & I think I'm seeing some definite triggers. I've really been noticing if I'm out in the sun too long, either the glare or the heat of sun triggers headache & conversely if it is cold or windy it can trigger headache. I've googled this & it talks about weather related headaches BUT always seem to mention MIGRAINES & I don't think mine are migraines because they're not severe. Can anyone PLEASE shed some light on any of this? I'd really like to know if anyone else here gets weather related headache & also why web search only mentions MIGRAINES. PLEASE RESPOND & Thank You!

15-07-16, 22:57
The weather , particularly mild , hot, warm/close and changeable weather or extremes in weather can definitely cause headaches . Anything from mild headaches to migraine. It's very very common , and nothing to worry about unless it affects your every day life and you'd like to look into preventative measures.

15-07-16, 23:59
Hi & thank you for responding. It doesn't affect my everyday living but I've been dealing with mild but annoying intermittent headaches since July 2011. I couldn't get much info from Drs other than that it wasn't a tumor or anything sinister which I'm grateful for, but where that leaves me is trying to figure out things on my own & I have noticed a very definite link to weather conditions with these mild head issues. Also sometimes after sleeping I have mild headache & have read sleep position, especially if prolonged can cause tension headache. As you can see I've done some homework of my own. I just needed feedback from other people, especially since the weather headache web search keeps mentioning migraines which I don't think is me since migraines are severe. Thank You very much for getting back to me. Your reply helped me.

16-07-16, 01:30
I used to get horrible headaches if I was out in the sun all day. My kids played sports so those all day summer tournaments were killers. I finally realized I was probably dehydrated so I started drinking a lot more those days and not just water. I'd have coconut water which I'd read was good for dehydration and also those vitamin waters. They seemed to have helped.

16-07-16, 04:11
I've gotten headaches from the weather ever since I got my wisdom teeth out. That was 36 years ago.

I joking say my headaches forecast the weather better than the weatherman.

It's not always funny though, during bad times I can have a headache for days to weeks... every day.

16-07-16, 21:41
Where a outs on your head is your headache? I have had one for 3 days and it's on top of head and forehead area