View Full Version : Taking over

16-07-16, 07:13
I am always in such conflict within myself and so many negative thoughts intertwine and freeze me. Every angle I look at life, a thought knocks any good out of that. I'm desperate to be one thing and feel like my thoughts are destroying that leaving me anxious, depressed and alone. I don't talk to anyone about anything anymore because I feel so vulnerable and my
Thoughts change all the time. I don't have any trust in
Myself or any sense of identity, I feel like I live on
adrenaline from fear. The majority of my thoughts are irrational and yet I have to analyze each one. I'm so on edge due to this that I live in paralysis that I'll do something I'll regret in The future by acting on an irrational thought and it's like I can't tell the difference between rational and irrational. The intense fear is what cements the thoughts, if I try and not react I just get so dark and tense and feel so out of sorts

18-07-16, 21:29
This is natural for an anxious mind. When stress or anxiety hits it just chips away little by little until the tiniest thing sets you off and sets you back. Im very much the same, when I'm feeling irrational I worry about really silly things and worry about whether I'll be able to cope with how I feel now and in the future. Then I get a moment of clarity and somehow I'm even more scared that I was thinking so skewed and distorted which in turn causes more distress. The Best advice I've heard is to just turn on your internal autopilot and do everything as normal as you can. Nothing lasts for ever, good or bad so it's a case of sticking in there and letting the storm pass. It's of course a lot easier to say than do, Lord knows I struggle everyday but it's the only thing that keeps me clinging on.