View Full Version : Pain in Ovary area, bloated etc please help I'm terrified

16-07-16, 14:59
I feel so bloated and have real tenderness in my ovary region, bloated and occasional nausea, I'm convincing myself it's ovarian cysts or worse. Went to Doc's earlier this week who prescribed gastro tablets, I had a very short period of barely anything period earlier this week, I'm worrying myself sick and can't focus on anything else but my symptoms xx please help

16-07-16, 18:44
Did you tell your Dr about your almost lack of period etc at the consultation?

Try the gastro tablets for a week and see if they help, if they don't then it's perfectly sensible to go back and maybe see a different Dr and explain your fear. It's very very unlikely that ovarian cancer is the cause and the more you worry the more your cycle can get messed up but an ultrasound scan would give you peace of mind and rule out say a harmless cyst.

16-07-16, 19:50
Ate you possibly in perimenopause?

18-07-16, 07:25
I tried the gastro tablets but I don't think it's that. It's like I can feel my ovaries. Yesterday's felt so bloated and had awful period type pains, I took and ibs tablet and it eased off, so maybe it's ibs. As with everyone who suffers with anxiety I can't help but still think the worst.

My doc said it could be premenopausal as I'm 46, I went to loo yesterday and noticed slight brown discharge (sorry that's grim) so I don't know what's happening.

My fear is going to the doctors and they say it's something and have to go to hospital for scans or whatever, it terrifies me 😫

20-07-16, 16:56
Hi I have the same symptoms as you. I have been bloated for the last 3 weeks and since my last period have had awful lower abdominal pains which seem to radiate into my hip. I also have lower back ache.

Like you I am convinced it is an Ovarian cyst or cancer-I have seen my GP who luckily took me very seriously and I have had a CA125 blood test done today. She has also requested an ultra sound scan to see what is going on in my ovary area.

She did say that OC is very rare-most GP's see a maximum of one case every 5 years or so and that cysts are very common. She said the bloating could definitely be due to the impending menopause (I am 50). If there is no improvement go back to your GP and ask for the blood test which although does not give a definitive answer, it might at least give you some peace of mind. Good luck and keep us posted x

20-07-16, 19:10
I've been having the same symptoms the past 3 days. Abdominal dull pain and an overall 'blah' feeling.