View Full Version : Feel worse

Lost all hope
16-07-16, 19:21
Hi all, I feel worse today been to docs with chest pain it was a complete waste of time! I can't go on like this I really can't my family are useless they don't even try to help never ask if I'm ok I feel so alone in a really dark place at the min an don't see a way out!

16-07-16, 19:34
Hi - Sorry to hear it. But try not to give up hope. There is always that no matter what. Why was the docs a complete waste of time?


Lost all hope
16-07-16, 19:41
Hi, he just took my blood pressure and that was it said I was fine an to see my own doc didn't listen to a word I was saying, the pain seems to be moving around to different places :(

16-07-16, 19:45
Do you have health anxiety? In regards to family. Why do you think they don't care about you?

Lost all hope
16-07-16, 19:50
I got told I have GAD but I think iv got a bit of health anxiety aswel, everytime I try an talk to any of them they il be fine an to think positive they never want to talk about it!

16-07-16, 20:46
I know in my case family just didn't know what to say really. They don't understand it and who can blame them...we don't understand it. And often times no matter what they say it doesn't help. Often times people with what we have suffer in silence. I don't blame anyone. I just think it's the nature of the beast.


Lost all hope
16-07-16, 21:25
It's a horrible thing to have to deal with, can I ask u do u suffer with bad belly aches well it's not really belly ache it's right at top of my stomach it really hurts an think that's something to do with the chest pain?

16-07-16, 22:10
Hi , it's not going to be a quick fix but it will get better , when I first discovered one of these sites I read the symptoms and could check them off like a shopping list , when it gets bad I have chest pain for days on end , stomach cramps , back pain , neck pain , I could carry on but you get the idea , when my anxiety is bad I tense up all of the time with out realising I'm doing it , it wares you out and gives you the pain , anxiety and depression are very hard for non sufferers to understand and that includes so called professionals most docs haven't got a clue they can't see it or feel it so the throw pills at us , hang in there and if the meds don't improve tell the doc exactly that , it's not easy but the less you think about it the quicker it goes so a good distraction always helps , take care

Lost all hope
16-07-16, 22:34
Hi thanks buster I'm just finding it really hard to cope with an I can't go to docs till Monday feel like my life is going to end any minute even painkillers arnt doing any thing I'm so scared

16-07-16, 23:42
It's a horrible thing to have to deal with, can I ask u do u suffer with bad belly aches well it's not really belly ache it's right at top of my stomach it really hurts an think that's something to do with the chest pain?

I did yes. I had very high stomach pains or chest pains. I also had back pain. I thought I had every disease or cancer that I could think of. Everything...All of it...Turned out to be HA. And I had a lot more pains too.


17-07-16, 08:34
The fact that pain killers don't work is also a sign that you have HA. If you can accept this it may help you to feel less panicky? Nothing awful is going to happen to you.

17-07-16, 19:42
Hi there , I don't have a miracle cure I wish I had but what I can tell you is I felt the same way you did when I was 29 it was 1999 and my dad had just died I was convinced the world would end at the milenium , it didn't as you know and I didn't end either I got better for over ten years , if someone had said then I'd have ten good years I wouldn't have believed them , it will pass you just have to put up with it for while , take care , there are many on here willing to help .

Lost all hope
17-07-16, 19:56
Hi buster what made it go for 10 years did it just go or did u do anything? I'm really struggling at the min it's my chest an stomach chest been the main one keep thinking any min now going to have a heart attack it's awful I just want to be the person i was before this horrid thing came into my life

17-07-16, 19:59
For me it was accepting that it was anxiety and not a physical illness.

Lost all hope
17-07-16, 20:07
I'm trying to it's just I keep burping an stomach rumbling when I touch my chest it hurts that's making me think it's muscle I'm so scared all the time it's happens when I don't feel anxious

17-07-16, 20:43
Could be acid reflux?

17-07-16, 22:57
Hi , it just went over time , I carried on just doing things even though I didn't feel right and it gradually went , the more you think about it and Google symptoms the longer it stays , every time you think about it you are fueling it , my partner has heart problems and there are other symptoms rather than just chest pain I won't go into them because as soon as somone mentions an illness or symptom your brain will create it for you to worry over , when I'm at my worst I can have a test at the docs and I still think they have missed something , with me it peaks then starts to subside there isn't a great deal of rymme or reason to it , I always have family problems but somtimes I can deal with it sometimes I fall apart , life isn't easy especially when you have responsibilities .