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View Full Version : tightness in the neck

08-10-04, 00:39
when im tense or tied i get a strong tightness in my neck and difficultie in swallowing
sometime this will spread out to my shoulders and the back of my head
has anyone got any advice on how i can cope with this - ease it

08-10-04, 00:58
Hi David

I have read that some members here find massage good for tension in the neck, shoulders and head.


08-10-04, 01:17
Hi David

Quite common how you feel.

Have you tried relaxtion techniques or massage.

Would benefit you loads.

Love Sal xxxxx

08-10-04, 07:44
hot wheat, lavender or gel pads
Stretches and exercise
relaxation CD and/ or meditation
Yoga/ tai chi

rescue remedy for swallowing
ice cold water
strong mints

Hope that gives you a start


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

08-10-04, 11:47
Hi David,

I used to have that all the time - I found that doing relaxation tapes once a day really helped.

Sarah :D

08-10-04, 12:49
dave - thought of acupuncture? I was sceptical but now swear by it - its not at all painful but is amazing for both body and mind - give it a try it really is worth it!


08-10-04, 20:43
Hi Dave,
I have the same problem, got worse again recently cos I am extra stressed at the moment.
Someone else on here suggested sleeping with a scarf around your neck - the warmth is sposed to help. I've not tried it yet but as just remembered it will try it tonight.
Another thing that reading your post has reminded me of is some exercises that a physiotherapist taught me. They did help me at the time and I must try them again.
Might be hard to explain on here but if you are interested I'll try to do so.
Let me know,

09-10-04, 13:52
hi david

i get neck aches and tight neck muscles when on the pc alot. the best way to help this is to lay down on a couch or bed and relax with the telly on

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

09-10-04, 18:45
The difficulty with swallowing is a common symptom of panic - I get it a lot and for weeks on end.

It does go if you stop thinking about it and worrying that it is something serious.

A massage should help with the tension.


20-10-04, 19:36
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Dave,
I have the same problem, got worse again recently cos I am extra stressed at the moment.
Someone else on here suggested sleeping with a scarf around your neck - the warmth is sposed to help. I've not tried it yet but as just remembered it will try it tonight.
Another thing that reading your post has reminded me of is some exercises that a physiotherapist taught me. They did help me at the time and I must try them again.
Might be hard to explain on here but if you are interested I'll try to do so.
Let me know,

marc soory its taken so long to get back yes please i would be very interested in your relaxation methods - hope you are ok all the best
dave x

<div align="right">Originally posted by Marc - 08 October 2004 : 20:43:01</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

20-10-04, 21:05
Does anyone know a rough estimate to how much acupuncture should cost, we have 2 chinese herbal places in our town now, i will go and ask them, but just wondered if anyone has a rough idea how much it should cost, thanks, Paul