View Full Version : What can my baby catch from saliva?

16-07-16, 23:59
I've suffered from health anxiety for years but since having kids it's now centred around them. Today I took my 8 month old baby to a BBQ and one of my sisters friends asked to hold him. I let him but then I noticed he was letting my baby put his fingers I'm his mouth!! Obviously I wiped them but I wasn't quick enough to stop my baby then putting his fingers in his own mouth!! Could my baby catch anything horrible from doing this?? 😢

17-07-16, 00:18

17-07-16, 09:10
At worst a cold and only if the other person had a cold or was about to get a cold at the time. I know having a baby can be worrisome but they are hardy little things anyway. Think of all the things on children's hands once they start crawling.

17-07-16, 17:43
The way a babies immune system improves is by being exposed to bacteria/viruses etc. It is well documented that babies and young children who are never exposed to dirt etc often develop asthma and severe allergies.

Stomach bugs and cold sores are the only risk and you would know if anyone had either of these.

My son was brought up as a tiny baby until he was 7 yrs old on unpasteurised cows milk - he was fine!