View Full Version : Brain Tumour or Bad Anxiety?

17-07-16, 02:55
Hi Everyone,

So before I explain my situation, I want make it clear that I have had health anxiety/hypochondria for a couple years now, all due to a shock I went through when I was only 19 years old and found a lump in my breast. Turns out it was just tissue. Later I thought I had HIV, which didn't make sense, but I obsessed about it (mostly because I had a boyfriend who played a trick on me). As you can see, I easily get affected. I would search about the symptoms several times a week, and would cry about it sometimes.

Last year I got pregnant with my fiancé and had felt a lot better, although a few months before I was on an antidepressant because of how I felt due to the healthy anxiety I had. Throughout my pregnancy I was relieved because due to all the blood work done I knew I was healthy and that was the only thing keeping me somewhat sane. Now after pregnancy I hope nothing would hit me, but knew it was inevitable. To my surprise, nothing did the first month, besides a couple crying spells because I was overtired and worried about my baby (who was fine). Now tables have turned. At first, I thought I had breast cancer, but I got over that fast because I realized that I'm breastfeeding so it much be various neighbourhoods of breast tissue. But now... now I feel even worse than ever before.

I now have:
-Weird tension like headaches
-Pains on the right side of my head above my head that make me cringe, they're kind of like ice pick kind, they always last about 3 seconds (had these since I was a kid, but had them maybe twice a year, now get one every 2 days)
-Have Brain Fog, feeling detached sometimes
- Sometimes I lose balance, although that may just be because I'm clumsy
-I am stumbling upon some words, but I think thats also common of me

Is this is all anxiety? Because I actually am hoping I'm going crazy. I am only 22 years old, and have a 4 month old. I don't want to feel this way any longer. Today I went to my family doctor and he only dismissed it as anxiety and that I should see a counsellor. I felt slightly better but later the tension headache came back to haunt me and I ended up going home from the mall early and crying. I just can't handle this anymore.

Does anyone out there have something similar or has experienced this?

17-07-16, 05:09
This all sounds EXACTLY like anxiety. Everyone here understands your pains. I'm currently going through a health anxiety pain atm too.

17-07-16, 17:53
Plus your body has just had a baby and you are suddenly having to carry this baby around all the time and will be in positions that are new to you with breastfeeding etc so you body will be thowing up all sorts of pains even without anxiety.

I remember having terrible left arm/neck and armpit ache when my son was a baby and went from breast cancer to brain tumour etc before I realised that I was carrying a very heavy baby ( he was 8 months old by then) always on my left hip! Once I used both sides the pain improved.

18-07-16, 12:22
i have this, and i started to worry it was my brain , my main worry was always my heart and i recently got an ecg it came back all clear since then i've felt a lot better, minus the fact i have menieres disease which sometimes isn't great for balance but the anxiety has calmed