View Full Version : SSRI causing Pure O

17-07-16, 10:06
Hi everyone. I just wondered if anyone else out there found that when they started an SSRI found it caused intrusive thoughts/constant negative mind chatter ? I've been on citalopram over 4 weeks now, I started them for anxiety, mainly social anxiety I guess. I'm finding the constant negative mind chatter unbearable. The harming thoughts towards others started day 5 on citalopram, and the harming thoughts have now gone, but im stuck in the negative brain chatter about my life constantly. I've never experienced it before in my life, and wonder if it's high anxiety or a side effect of citalopram that may go soon or never go if I stay on citalopram ?

18-07-16, 10:14
I think the fact the harm based intrusive thoughts have gone suggests the med was either causing them as a side effect or it was increasing your anxiety levels leading to them. I wouldn't worry about this any further unless you start to see it arise again, however even then it may not be the med and just be a new element of your anxiety to deal with. If they come back, we can help you work on these thoughts so just ask.

Is the negative mind chatter just loads of questions about everything? Or is it is more judgemental statements about yourself? How do they present themselves? Can you see anything that triggers them? And how are your anxiety levels whilst this is going on?

18-07-16, 12:17
Thanks Terry, the mind chatter is mainly about working and the future. My intrusive thoughts started on the first day of a new job I had, and were on day 5 of citalopram 20mg. The thoughts were aimed at the lady training me sadly. As I had never experienced thoughts like this before, I got home and decided to quit the job as I thought I had psychosis or schizophrenia . Then I had them for nearly a further 2 weeks about my husband and dog and couldn't eat or sleep at all, and horrible images in my head. Luckily those thoughts and images have gone and my appetite has returned, sleep isnt good but now the mind chatter is unbearable. It's about me never being able to work again as the intrusive thoughts might come back or I won't be concentrate on the job because of racing thoughts in my head. It then goes to well if I can't work then my husband will have enough and leave me, and I will never feel happy or normal again and i might have to go bankrupt and live my parents unhappy forever. This theme is repeated in my head all day long now for about a week. It doesn't matter what I do its there, even if I'm walking my dog or watching TV, doing house work, seeing friends and family etc. Deep down I know my husband won't leave me, and I know I have to be patient and wait for the good days and good thoughts to come until I can start looking to work and feel like my old self again, but then I wonder if that will ever happen ? Then i wonder of i feel like this because im not working ? In such a dark place right now and can't see myself ever getting better:(

19-07-16, 07:34
Constant worry and endless analysing & questions by the sounds of it. I remember that and it was very annoying, especially when you are trying to sleep.

Have you thought of trying techniques that work with your focus? Things like grounding exercises can help bring you back to the present. Mindfulness is excellent for this but takes time to learn and get it to work I found.

It may still calm down as the Cit may still be causing this so it's worth monitoring.

19-07-16, 15:12
Yep very annoying indeed ! Did you find this passed for you ? I'm pretty convinced it's the citalopram. It's so hard to function when you have negative thoughts going round in circles in your head all day! I only started to take cit as my social anxiety started to flare up again it was in a long queue in the shop and I felt a bit panicky, especially at the check out. I attended 4 job Interviews no problem with help from proponolol and never had a problem with working, only large team meetings or conferences where i knew i would have to speak up. I've really got nothing to worry about at the moment either, my husband earns enough to support both of us for now, and we have no mortgage either. It's bloody horrendous that all I can think is the worst. I thought cit was suppose to help you think positively and put you in a good mood, not fear about aspect of your life.