View Full Version : it just has to change

19-03-07, 16:48
sorry for the bitching but im just so fed up with feeling this way latley i have no clue what to do with myself anymore,ive been suffering for 18 yrs on and off and right now its so bad i hate myself for the person i am for the reason no one understands here at home and i hate depending on peoples ya know,ive just have soo much going on im sure like us all thats why i hate complainin i know we all have our probs but i just cant seem to pull myself together this trip....i dont sleep i dont eat i cant concentrate people are always askin me whats wrong with you and im ready just to say .....if ya cant understand get out of my life but i know ya cant do that if ya dont have it ya dont understand it....i just pray maybe when spring comes and my work starts back up i start to feel better i dont see myself living day in and day out like this i never have even at my worst moments.....im also battling with having a drink which i stopped 14 yrs ago it wont stop going thru my head but i know thats not the answer, just some advise i know this shall pass one day it always has its just im alone this time with it and it makes it 100% worse right now,thanks for listening to me bitch, just had to vent ,thanks.....linda:weep:

19-03-07, 20:44

Bitch away its the place to do it. I will not offer advice it always kicks you back in the face, but I will try to give a few ideas that you can run with or you can drop. A positive attitude is always a good start, look to make negatives positive no matter how small then build them up. Dwelling on things that have happened is usually counterproductive, there is a good philosphy you may want use. it goes like

If you are worrying about something that has happened its a waste of time, you cannot do anything to change what has happened so dont worry about it. Instead concentrate on ensuring that similaiar things dont happen in the future and that any repercussions from what has happened are minimised. If you are worrying about something that is going to happen, dont worry about it, its in the future, you have a chance to alter the cucumstances around the event maybe turn it into a reallly big positive happening at least you can minimise any bad effects so that its non-effective on your life.

Booze is a funny thing it gives false confiddence and gives us a false sense of security and ability to resolove problems, have you seen the advert on the tv where the man thinks he is daredevil and climbs the buildings for the young lady, got to end in tears and it does. When you are sober you can see what will happen, strange you cant when drunk. Life is a marvollous thing, if we let it. Look waht nature does, the flowers how does it make them so perfect, how does it give us clean air to bretah and fantastic views to look at. In the scale of things like that maybe its better to live life to the full dont let anything get to you to stop you doing it either.

Well I have ranted enough, but afew thoughts to help you get your brain onto a different tack thats if, if you ant to go down that road or maybe make a road for your self that leads to peace and tranqulity


19-03-07, 22:24
thanks keith
makes totally sense to me its the lettin go i got that its just reminding myself to do so,i appreciate your response and i will do my best to keep that positive attitude no matter what the case may be.......i know things will get better and im the only one that can make that happen, thanks again keith...........linda xxx

23-03-07, 04:48

Sorry just noticed your post.

Bitch away Hunni, we all need to at times! Rant and rave, let it all out!

There are always times when things seem too much, It does pass. sometimes takes a while. Go there myself, so can't say much on that than other than it does pass "eventually". As to other people understanding, would you really want them too? I try to look at it that there is a better life out there. They have not been through these things, it gives me hope. They have only had good experiences and met good people. I try to be happy for them and understand that they can't comprehend me as it is beyond their realm of experience and thank God for that.

Hugs to you Hunni


24-03-07, 19:21
Hi Linda,

I too just saw your post. I hope things are going better for you now. I know you have alot of pressure on you and hopefully when you get moved things will be better. As always I'm here for you if you need me. Rant away, it will make you feel better and you will get through this without the drink!



26-03-07, 11:35
Linda big hugs for you babe you are a kind caring person and I know things will turn round for you soon but until then have a hug :hugs: :hugs: or two :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: or maybe three :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: xxx