View Full Version : Health Anxiety/Thyroid

17-07-16, 18:04
Just wondering if anyone else has been here, I'm nearly 95% sure all my problems are really down to my thyroid. In the past I've been sent for a scan as I have goitre, also runs in some family members, I've been experiencing fatigue like I never have before, nasal drip in my throat, muscle aches, dry skin and now just recently horrible pins and needles in my arm, Had a blood test a few weeks ago but that came back fine, I've asked so many times if I could have the full thyroid check done but they will only do the TSH levels, Anyone have any advice?

Thankyou :)

17-07-16, 19:51
I used to work as an advisor for a thyroid charity.

Are you seeing the same GP all the time? If so then see a different one and ask for full thyroid screen that includes TSH FRee T4 and T4. This is a routine test and all Gps should do it.

That said if your tsh is totally normal then its highly unlikely that you have a thyroid problem. If your tsh is at one end of the normal range or other end then this is not okay and needs full screen and repeat testing after 3-6 months.

What are your tsh figures from your previous tests? Always ask for the exact results when you get them so you can keep a record as well and see if its moving one way or the other or is borderline. They have to give you details so ask if you haven't already.

The only advice I can give is to ask calmly but certainly for the full thyroid screen and why you want it.

17-07-16, 20:01
Hey, thankyou for the advice :) I've seen a couple different ones, but they won't run the full panel, I read on Thyroid Uk that even tho your TSH is normal doesn't mean to say your thyroid Antibodies are, just sick of feeling horrible really, there's a tick list of things on there too and I have quite a few, just makes sense that it could be the possible cure, I've been referred to general medicine about my tiredness so hoping I get some answers there, fingers crossed anyways :)

17-07-16, 21:23
Take your tick list with you to your appt, tell them you have spoken to someone from a thyroid advice charity and I am sure that a medical Dr will anyway run the thyroid tests if looking into unusual tiredness.

As you have read yes it is possible to have normal tsh but have antibody problem ( Hashimoto's) but its not common.