View Full Version : I can't shake it!

18-07-16, 04:38
I feel so embarrassed to make another post about this but I'm so obsessed over Leukemia atm
I was wrestling with my friends in the pool today and you'd expect to get bruises right?? Well for me I'm almost sure I have leukemia. My dad, mom, girlfriend no matter what they say I can't shake it. I don't have fatigue, sore muscle, rapid weight loss, high fever and loss of appetite. Oh but what I do have is this itchy bumps on my arm that are probably just allergies because my girlfriend has them too but oh no I'm so convinced I'm extremely I'll. Now this bruise is freaking me out. It looks weird. Like dots around my upper arm. Looks like someone grabed me (because someone did many times) and I absolutely lost it when I saw it. I can't ease myself and I feel guilty. My head hurts and I'm light headed sitting here worrying. I'm sorry for all these posts but ugh I'm going crazy