View Full Version : Hypnosis through the night

18-07-16, 07:35
I have a couple of videos downloaded from YouTube which I play through the night. I'm wondering if anyone here have any suggestions of hypnosis audio or video that myself and others could use.

What I would really like is one which every, say 15 minutes or so does the 'going deeper' bit, I.e. putting you under.

I actually have a good one which I chopped the wakeing up bit off. I might create a mp3 where its played at normal volume but subsequently slightly quieter.

18-07-16, 22:16
Hi , I downloaded a free app for my iPhone called sleep well I never hear the end of it , it allways gets me off to sleep ok I wake up a few hours later but some sleep is better than none , I also have a rain all the sound of rain is quite relaxing , I use an old phone on wifi and just leave it next to the bed , it's worth a try , thanks .