View Full Version : Does HA make you "hyper aware"?

18-07-16, 16:22
Because I am a bad google-r (although now stopping myself more), any type of ache or pain I get I think I am for sure infected with something.

Stupid me google'd about my white tongue and I was convinced I've had HIV for the last ten years now. I know it is only one symptom, but now EVERYTHING I get makes me think the worse!

Examples (not necessarily what Im experiencing but just throughout the years)
A muscle spams? I'm ill.
A spot on my shoulder? I'm more than ill.
Dull ache-y pain on surface of skin? Oh dear...
Itchy neck? I'm definitely dying.
Thrush? I might as well pick out my coffin.

I know this is ridiculous, but looking back these are things that I probably wouldnt have even given thought to (well thrush not so much but I wouldnt have thought anything serious!)

Am I just getting old and really experiencing these aches and pains here and there or is it actually just all in my head? Is my anxiety giving me all these ailments or is that in my head too? Can I actually make myself ill stressing over every little possible thing? I hate how this has stopped me from living!

18-07-16, 16:41
Absolutely! That's one of the hallmark behaviors. Ever see a gazelle in the African plains on alert for lions? That's an HA sufferer on alert for every physical niggle ;)

Positive thoughts

18-07-16, 16:48
Thanks for the reassurance :)

Despite what my doctor and mother (nurse) say, I just cant seem to shake this horrible feeling that seems to amplify with every little ache and pain. I just didnt know if it was down to me getting older and actually experiencing these aches and pains, or me stressing myself out so much to the point where I make myself ill. I already have high blood pressure and the doctor says Im high strung! :-P