View Full Version : Over breathing

19-03-07, 18:22
I suffer from over breathing on and off. It usually starts and then lasts for a couple of months.

I am in the throws of another session of over breathing at the moment. I have a chest infection at the moment which doesn't help. I take deep breaths all the time and I am very aware of my breathing from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep. I yawn and sigh a lot too.

Does anyone have any specific advice about how to overcome this symptom of genearl anxiety?.

19-03-07, 22:22
Hi Jo3016,

This sounds alot like what I have to, I start to focus on my breathing alot and that's when I normally get into anxiety attack. I have asthma too so I often confuse the two as well.

I've only read about trying to slow down your breaths and try to focus your breathing into your stomach area. When you start to panic you breath more the top of your loungs and start to get dizzy from lack of carbon dioxide, slowing down your breath and focusing on lower adoman is meant to help increase carbon dioxide again.

Otherwise I try to read something and make sure to think about what I'm reading to try get my mind of how I'm breathing, if that makes sense lol.

That's all I konw at the moment, I hope it helps let me know if you find some breathing tricks too^^

19-03-07, 22:28
Hun a great book for you is 'Hyperventilation Syndrome' by Dinah Bradley.

Do see what other posts you can find on overbreathing or hyperventilation by using our search box, as we had a great thread going on this not very long ago!

Piglet :flowers: