View Full Version : Late period...?

18-07-16, 18:21
Well, here I go again. For the past few weeks I've been staying off of Google as much as possible and I have felt so much better. I really haven't had any health worries at all, it's like I'm finally getting back to being my old self and enjoying life instead of worrying every single second of every day. In September my period randomly disappeared and didn't come back until the end of December. I think that may have caused by stress/anxiety, around that time my anxiety was very bad, I thought for sure it was cervical or ovarian cancer. Late December I got it back and it's been pretty normal since, haven't really had any problems with it at all. I use a phone app to keep track of my period, it's not set for 28 days because my cycle tends to be more spread out than that a few days I guess. Usually when my tracker says I have 4 or 5 days until my next cycle I get it. It says I have 2 more days and I still don't have it. It's been 30 days since my last one so now I'm pretty freaked out. I'm scared it won't come at all and that it's going to just disappear like what happened to me last year. I started a new job this month, I've been very stressed about that because all that I have to learn and I'm always worried whenever I work that I'll mess something up. So yes, I've been stressed in that way this month a lot. I guess this could just be stress and not something wrong, right? I'm 16 and I'm definitely not pregnant or anything. I'm just staying off of Google this time, I already know the outcome of doing that and I really don't want to go back to worrying myself to death

18-07-16, 18:31
A few months ago I had a 35 day cycle. Last year I had a 34 day cycle and was going nuts, convinced I had infertility etc and ended up crying at the docs. Apparently your period isn't actually late until you surpass 35 days. O know it's hard but I wouldn't worry about it. Especially at your age as your periods are often messed up in your teens.

18-07-16, 18:31
You have answered this yourself in the post - when you are super stressed your periods stop. This has happened before and was not a sign of anything sinister and with everything that is happening to you its entirely possible this will happen again.

I used to get this if I lost weight too quickly when I was still having periods.

18-07-16, 18:32
Also my cycles were probably prolonged due to stress. I was told last year that the worrying about it being late could actually be delaying it.

18-07-16, 20:48
Have you ever considered charting your basal body temperature? There are free charting sites. My favorite is ovusoft.com. it's really easy and gives you information about your cycle when otherwise you're left guessing.
About 5 years ago I starting skipping cycles, I was out of my mind with worry. I started charting my temps, I saw when I ovulated, when I didn't, when to expect a period and most importantly to me back then I knew when a period was not coming.
Thinking back to how much anxiety my periods caused me all of my life, I wish I would have started when I was young.

19-07-16, 02:47
Thanks guys! I'll definitely look into charting my basal body temperature! I didn't even know anything about that until you mentioned that! I'm so mad at myself for letting myself get so scared again because it's literally always something with me. Somewhere in my head I know I'm overreacting about this again as I always do but I can't help but be freaked out. I keep thinking what if my period never comes back? Or it's something serious? I don't know why I'm worrying so much, I'm not even really that late yet!!