View Full Version : Sinuses or teeth

18-07-16, 23:41
Hi I have had a cough for weeks and then last week I got a ear infection then a day ago I started getting pain in my teeth right Side all top ones and jaw aches I am very congestion and forever blowing my nose which is green and coughing green stuff I was just wondering if this sounds like a sinus problem my cheek is painful right side and some headache right side but the it's my teeth that are really aching I have had cold/cough for weeks it seems to jump from one thing to another my drs says it's because of stress and I am so run down and exhausted I am so worried it's a bad infection that will turn into something really nasty if it's left, thanks any advice would be great xx

19-07-16, 02:30
My teeth ache when my sinuses are congested. I think the green would be an indication of a sinus infection. Have you been to the doctor since that started?

19-07-16, 20:10
I have been back to drs today as teeth pain is really bad today she checked me over but I don't need antibiotics just to get a nasal spray and to take paracetamol and ibuprofen for pain I am now worrying it's a tooth infection but it's not one tooth where the pain is it's all top right side and sometimes the bottom, I am very worried x