View Full Version : Driving Progress

Nicola Cook
19-03-07, 19:01
6 weeks ago, I couldn't face getting into my car to drive the short one mile journey to my Mum & Dad's. Today, I took part in a Driver Training day which is part of my job. I had to drive for more than an hour across unfamiliar territory and with 2 strangers in the car, one of whom was assessing me. I was petrified and got derealization during the day...BUT I DID IT!!!!

I'm feeling a bit washe out now due to the day being tiring but hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to feel pride in what I've achieved.

Good Luck to everyone else whose trying to get over a major obstacle.

Nicola x

19-03-07, 19:42
Well done you...I have a BIG problem with driving and to be assessed omg! I don't even like driving with my hubby in the car:ohmy: .

Fantastic news :yesyes:

19-03-07, 21:51
Well done Nicola keep it up xxx :D

19-03-07, 22:20

Wow - well done you !

What fab progress :yesyes: