View Full Version : My Daughter

19-07-16, 00:13
I've often posted about my daughter. She'll be 23 in a few days. She's struggled with depression and anxiety for some time now. She's been doing great but... I just spoke to her and she broke down. She's having a blip and it's really getting to her. One of the things she told me was that while her depression is Ok, her anxiety was hitting her hard. She's on Cymbalta which was working pretty well but she also had Xanax. She was told to take a 1/2 2.5mg tab as needed. I come to find out she's been taking an entire 2.5mg tab nightly for the last few months! BINGO! Not good! Her body has built up a tolerance for the drug and it's just not working anymore. Sadly, we all know how addictive it is. I'm afraid she has quite a challenge ahead of her. I told her to speak to her doctor about weaning off and possibly finding a supplemental med or alternative to the Xanax.

As you know, it's very difficult as a parent or anyone who has a loved one in their lives with anxiety to deal with this. It's a helpless feeling when you know nothing you can say will help. They just have to deal with it the best they can. She has a therapy appointment next week so hopefully she'll get some good guidance. Of course she can bend my ear anytime. The positive is I could hear her calm down as we spoke. My experience on the boards with everyone here who has gone through this proved to be helpful. I also advised her to disconnect from the internet for a bit and focus on herself. She listened and is taking a break from social media etc.

Just an FYI... I'll let you know how she makes out.

Positive thoughts

19-07-16, 01:49
Yes, please keep us posted friend. I'm no stranger to addiction in the family myself...prescribed or otherwise. But it sounds like both she and you are aware of the seriousness of the situation. It also sounds like you have a calming effect on your daughter. That is a very good thing. This very often happens with benzodiazepines. So long as the doctor just doesn't switch to another benzo. Good idea to tell him what's going on. Doctors these days seem a little bit better about patients inadvertently developing a habit on medications. Hang in there.


19-07-16, 04:54
Sorry to hear your daughter is having a rough time. Has she tried those adult coloring books? They really are quite relaxing. Or a kitten ;) they are great when your feeling down lol. Best of luck to her!

19-07-16, 07:32
Hi there fishman , I know too well what a worry daughters can be , I've been on benzodiazepines for the last four years off and on they do tend to spike your anxiety I take the lowest dose to take the edge off but does tend to go up again as it wares off , I've been trying to get off them completely but it is hard to resist when things get tough , she hasn't been on them to long and not at a massive dose so hopefully she can taper back down , check with the doc but I take an antihistamine when I don't take a diazepam these have a similar effect without the addiction , hope she's on the mend soon one less worry , take care .

19-07-16, 08:22
FMP, you know about my daughter's issues. With your guidance and knowledge she will be wean herself off Xanax and this will be a lesson for her sadly learned the hard way but also alerting her to the dangers of being prescribed Xanax with no ongoing overview by the prescribing physician of how much she is actually taking..

She is lucky to have you as a caring, knowledgeable Dad

19-07-16, 22:39
I hope your daughter finds therapy useful Fishman. Weaning her off the drugs may be hard for her, but I am sure she will get there.x

19-07-16, 23:29
Thinking of you and your daughter ... sounds like you are doing everything you can to help her and support her. Sometimes the hardest part is what we don't have power over. But you are a great support to her during this time.

20-07-16, 08:21
I hope she is still able to have a good birthday in the next few days. She is lucky to have you to support and guide her.

20-07-16, 12:32
Thanks everyone. She's a fighter so I know she'll be Ok. It's just hard to know she's struggling. She went through three SSRIs and all the ramp up and cross tapering side effects so I know she can do this too. I spoke to her last night and she sounded a little better.

Positive thoughts

20-07-16, 12:42
I don't think there is an effective alternative to Xanax which isn't addictive. My daughter was prescribed Xanax on a daily basis (3 times a day) by a private psychiatrist who at that time came highly recommended..Fortunately we decided not to take up this advice and used it sparingly. I think it's pretty much banned in the UK now (but it was very effective...)

20-07-16, 15:59
I did the same was given 1mg of lorazepam everyday monthly controlled, but then someone gave me 60 2.5mg to say I felt good was an understatement didn't feel good when I tapered with the shandy equivalent of diazepam

20-07-16, 17:45
It's so irresponsible, isn't it...and really unfair on the patient. Diazepam doesn't do anything after being on the stronger benzos for a prolonged period of time.

29-07-16, 12:32
Hey Fishmanpa,

Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you. Your daughter is very lucky to have such a caring dad!

I have found Lyrica to be very effective in managing anxiety that breaks through Citalopram. It is an anxiety drug that works in different ways from benzos and is non-addictive. It may be an option. (I'm not affiliated or pushing it in any way, but it has been very effective so it could be worth investigating with your daughter's doctor)

Best of luck to you both


29-07-16, 13:27
Just an update.

I went up to see my family last weekend. It was both my father's and my daughter's birthdays (same day!). My daughter was doing much better. She saw her doctor and therapist and was taken off the benzos. She had been using them to help her sleep. It was recommended that she use Benadryl "as needed" if she has difficulty sleeping.

Ironically, I was given the same advice by my doctors during and after treatment after I had a bad reaction to Ambien (that stuff is dangerous! ~lol~). It also helps in that it makes it easier to breath.

She said she still has moments when the negativity creeps in but overall she's feeling better :)

Blips happen. It's part of life when recovering. Her therapist said the same thing I did. Regardless of how hard it may be, continue to push through and use the techniques you've learned. Just like a baseball player strikes out and has a few swings and misses, soon enough they make contact and get a hit. It's the same with battling through a blip. Persistence and effort and doing what you've been trained to do will pay off.

Positive thoughts

07-08-16, 03:19
I glad she is doing better.

07-08-16, 05:31
Good to hear she is pushing through. Did they just stop the benzo cold turkey?

07-08-16, 06:25
Good to hear she is pushing through. Did they just stop the benzo cold turkey?

Thanks Shaz.... they cut her dose in half and told her to take the Benadryl in conjunction. she's done well and is off the benzos.

Positive thoughts

07-08-16, 08:13
That's great news! Benzo withdrawal can be a long drawn out, horrendous experience for many. She and you must be very relieved that she's free of them with minimal problems

07-08-16, 09:57
Thanks Shaz.... they cut her dose in half and told her to take the Benadryl in conjunction. she's done well and is off the benzos.

Positive thoughts

Hi FMP,I thought Benadryl was for coughs when you have the flu,or is it different in the US.

07-08-16, 15:57
Hi FMP,I thought Benadryl was for coughs when you have the flu,or is it different in the US.

Hi Flipp... It's an antihistamine used to treat allergies and common cold symptoms and has the added, sometimes beneficial side affect of causing drowsiness/sleepiness. When taken an hour before bed, it can help with getting to sleep and has the benefit of making breathing easier too.

Positive thoughts