View Full Version : Still feeling it

19-07-16, 09:38
So into my 8th week on cit and still not great. I am off work and my days are spent relaxing, reading, working and exercising. I still have anxiety but not severe. I accept this condition, I have surrendered to it but I hate it. My mind is ok with the mind chatter reduced, it's there but reduced. The physical aspect still lingers. Out of the comfort of my home I struggle with my breathing and the tension/adrenaline in my arms is concerning. Slight shake in my hands. So two weeks became four then four became eight. What was once normal like going to the dentist is now a trip of control, not dread but trying to control the anxiety. I am slowly becoming unconvinced by cit. I would so like my body to be at peace but it just isn't happening. Time is a great healer, I agree, but how long?

19-07-16, 10:52
I'd like to know the answer to that too Andy. I'm now going into my 15th week on Cit and I'm still not right. I wonder if maybe this is it, this is all it is supposed to do and we are going to be stuck like we are now for the rest of our lives?

I've completely forgotten what it's like to be "normal" and I'm not sure if I'll ever have that feeling again. Perhaps I've just got to accept that fact now and get on with what's left of my life in the best way I can?

---------- Post added at 10:52 ---------- Previous post was at 10:50 ----------

I have days when I feel "normal" for several hours. Last Thursday I felt normal for the whole day and yet again I fooled myself into thinking that I had finally cracked it, I was CURED!!! Of course that wasn't the case at all as I soon found out the following day.....

19-07-16, 11:03
No trust me when the med works you will feel better then normal because you didn't realize that you may have been suffering from anxiety and depression prior to the events that led you to go on meds. I have been there with the Cit. I was anxiety and depression free. Don't give up hope even if you have to switch to a different med. :hugs:

19-07-16, 11:28
But how do you tell if you're on the wrong med? How long do you give it before asking for something else?

19-07-16, 11:51
Hi Mojo...Since you increased your dose its like resetting the clock. You have to give it a good 6-12 weeks again to see if the increase works. If it does not work then you will have to make a decision with your doctor if you want to increase again or try a different med.

This whole process sucks, but you will eventually get well. This is just a season of your life and it will pass at some point. :hugs:

19-07-16, 11:57
Is it really Victory??? Oh, that has made my day - thank you SO much!!!! :bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

---------- Post added at 11:57 ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 ----------

I thought it would only be a week or so because the drug was already in my system! Oh, I feel like I've been given a winning lottery ticket!

So there IS hope for me after all then???

19-07-16, 14:42
You'd think that once it in your system it matters not if you go up or down but doc told me each dose can take as much time to settle in as when you first started it. It does suck but I guess if it works eventually we will be so happy. I love your response mojo.. made me lol. So genuine and heart felt.. we just wanna feel normal. Xx

19-07-16, 21:15
I don't think you ever think "Hurrah I'm cured" because when you think like that, you're still thinking about anxiety and giving it your time. I think you just naturally get to a point where you just DON'T think about it - that's how it happened for me anyway, I don't think 'I'm cured' I just don't ever really think about anxiety, it's not a part of my life any more. Counting down the days is not helpful, it takes as long as it takes until you just don't have to think about it any more, and you can't really predict how long it will take for you to get that mental strength x

19-07-16, 21:33
That's all I want Suzie, to not think about it constantly.

19-07-16, 21:40
I don't think you ever think "Hurrah I'm cured" because when you think like that, you're still thinking about anxiety and giving it your time. I think you just naturally get to a point where you just DON'T think about it - that's how it happened for me anyway, I don't think 'I'm cured' I just don't ever really think about anxiety, it's not a part of my life any more. Counting down the days is not helpful, it takes as long as it takes until you just don't have to think about it any more, and you can't really predict how long it will take for you to get that mental strength x

Suzi how are you making out? How long have you been on the Cit now? Are you still on 10mg?

19-07-16, 21:55
Still on 10mg, think it must be about 5 months now for me. I still feel a bit traumatised by how bloody awful the start of the year was with my anxiety but it just feels like a different person now to be honest. I still feel anxious once a month when I get my period - I know this now & I expect it, and when it happens I just let it come and go. I'm still generally anxious about things that I've always been anxious about like airports, but nothing like the life-destroying anxiety that caused me to start medication, it's just regular anxiety x

19-07-16, 23:59
So glad to hear things are going well for you!!!:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

Bike Rider
21-07-16, 11:04
Just remember, we are not the only ones, 1 in 4 persons suffer some kind of mental issue. Once I started to talk to others about my issues, it opened a flood gate of others who I know, all with issues, some very serious ones. Citalopram I found, took up to 4 months to have any effect, my G.P. who is fantastic told me to keep at it and he was right. We had to increase after 6 months or so from 20mg to 40mg but they do work. Beta Blockers got rid of the physical sensations, I dont take them any more and I worked on the thought issues. N.H.S. counsellors did me more harm than good, they have to stick to guide lines and where as I needed some one to tell me things couldn't happen, though there was a billion to one chance it may, they couldn't do this, but my private counsellor could and it helped a great deal. I see him once every 2 months now for a "top up". Keep at it, you will win I promise.