View Full Version : heat stroke worries

19-07-16, 13:02
Hi because of this heat I've got myself so worked up because I keep thinking I'm getting heat stroke even tho I haven't been out in the sun I keep googling to see if you can get it by being indoors but nothing comes up with a answer exept the symtoms of heat stoke which makes think I'm getting these symptoms. I know it might seem abit silly to some of you me asking this but can you get heat stroke from being indoors as I just feel so anxiose and cant stop worrying about it , I get like this every time there is a heat wave and not sure if its the anxiety that makes me like this , as i don't want to run to my doctors and ask them as i don't want to make a fool of myself.

19-07-16, 13:52
Hi, no to get heat stroke you need to be in direct sunshine, stay indoors or in the shade, wear a hat and drink water you will be fine

19-07-16, 16:35
Hi , the heat has been a worry for me but I had heat stroke once when I was young after camping out in summer , it's very different from that hot and Sickly feeling you get when its too hot , I always end up with a headache and feel a bit sick when it's hot , shut your curtains open the windows and drink plenty and you should be fine , half the time it's just our anxiety making it worse , soon be raining again , take care .