View Full Version : Can't breathe when falling asleep!

19-07-16, 14:05
Hi everyone,

I have been having a sleep issue that is starting to concern me. In the past, I would occasionally have spells where I would wake up in the middle of the night with a fast HR, sweating, etc. Figured it was anxiety and let it go. Lately I have been having episodes where I feel a little short of breath as I am trying to go to sleep, but as soon as I get into a deep sleep I wake up feeling as though I have stopped breathing. My heart rate isn't typically fast at first, but after this happens 6 or 7 times, it gets faster and harder for me to breathe. It does not happen every night and seems to come and go every couple weeks. Last night, however, I was awake until 3am with these episodes. It almost feels like a panicky feeling as I am waking up, but I don't feel particularly anxious.

I do have acid reflux and asthma, which I thought may be contributing to the problem, but I have had these for YEARS and never had anything like this happen. The only new thing I can think if is I started taking Metformin for PCOS about 6 weeks ago. Not sure why that would cause this, though. I am worried it could be ah heart-related issue? Unfortunately I googled and it said this can be a symptom of heart disease.

Anyway, if any of you have experienced something like this or have any idea, I would really appreciate it! It's definitely affecting my sleep when it happens and I am exhausted the next day.

19-07-16, 14:42
Sleep apnoea


19-07-16, 16:47
It says there that you typically don't remember episodes of sleep apnea... This wakes me fully

Appa Yip Yip
20-07-16, 00:50
It does sound a little bit like sleep apnea. Reflux might make you feel like you're having trouble breathing too. Or it could just be anxiety. I think it wouldn't hurt to see your doctor to discuss it, but I don't think it's serious.

05-08-24, 02:22
i know this old but for anyone searching they they are doing this, this is also a symptom of anxiety and our body trying to relax and fighting it. I read a big forum about this very topic and a lot of people have this, if it's sleep apnea you would be snoring, and feeling tired in the morning like more so than usual.

05-08-24, 07:50
I started taking Metformin for PCOS about 6 weeks ago

Given you've experienced similar episodes before taking metformin and it only occurs every few weeks it is more likely to be anxiety, or some other issue, however, fast or shallow breathing is a fairly common (https://www.drugs.com/sfx/metformin-side-effects.html#serious-side-effects) potential serious metformin side-effect with difficult or labored breathing being less common. I suggest you refer this to your GP.