View Full Version : Postauricular node panic

19-07-16, 17:23
Ok, i'm back in full panic... i was laying in bed watching a movie last night and happened to feel a bump behind my ear. Naturally, I did what i always do... went into full panic mode and ran to the ER. Doc said it was a postauricular node.. i said should i worry.. he said no. they can become enlarged for many reasons and could be a reactive node.. Great. so what in the hell causes this node to be swollen and how do i get rid of it.

19-07-16, 19:54
Hi Cricket, I have had one of these for years and reacted the same way. My dr has one too (had it about 25 yrs!) and he actually made me feel his :roflmao: to put my mind at rest.

Mine has been there probably about 10 years. It can come up with an infection at some point I think and then just never go back properly down.

Trust your doctor. If they were in any way concerned they would investigate. Also look on these forums for it, lots of previous posts with exactly the same concern.

love flump xx

19-07-16, 20:07
Thanks... I have a mouthful of bad and rotten teeth that I am finally able to address and getting full dentures. I also have a breakout of scalp acne here and there so wondering if any of this is contributing. I saw a resident last night in the ER, he was the one who felt it. the attending didnt but i asked the attending about worrying and he said no. I freaked out though thinking ok is this the start of a cancer.

20-07-16, 03:08
Glad you got reassurance, but you really went to the emergency room?

The ER is SO expensive, even when I had a broken elbow I went just to the urgent care.