View Full Version : Men sitting in cars outside house, advice please?

19-07-16, 19:36
I just want to know if my anxiety is causing me to over react to this really.

Last night around 2am a car pulled up outside our house. The engine was on for atleast an hour and there was one man inside sat in the dark he was still there at 4am.
When I got up at 7 he had gone. But by 7.30 he was back although parked the other way round, he stayed in his car for atleast another 2 hours, seemingly doing nothing and occasionally on his phone. This is where it gets odd..

I checked again at 10.30 and he had gone, but there was another car now parked in the same spot, one man inside with some paperwork, he sat in this car for 4 whole hours just sat there, Only getting out once for a cigarette so I got a good look at him, however the other gentlemen from the previous car reappeared and parked further up the road, he got out and walked past my house and got into the passenger side of this black car. He had some sort of paperwork with him. He sat there a while before returning to his own car and driving off.

Both men were dressed casually, shorts and t shirts, one had a bald head and shades on. I took both reg just incase.

It's a very quiet road as in most of the neighbours are elderly people in bungalows.
I didn't recognise these men and I'm pretty sure they're not local as its a small town.

My logical mind tells me if they were going to commit a robbery they would have done it by now, but another side to me is really scared!

I was up all night unable to sleep and have been on edge all day.. thoughts? Am I overreacting and what would you do x


---------- Post added at 19:36 ---------- Previous post was at 19:33 ----------

To add that when the gentlemen walked past to get in the other car he seemed very on edge, although the other man when he got out for a cigarette seemed quite relaxed. I just find it odd for anyone to sit in there car for that length of time in the heat we had today, just doing nothing, it seemed like they were waiting for something x

19-07-16, 19:40
Just call the cops and it checked out. it's a weird time to be hanging around in front of someone's house in a car

19-07-16, 19:43
Yeh I considered calling the non emergency number as I have descriptions and car details, but I just feel silly as they haven't done anything illegal, although quite odd and suspicious. I just felt very on edge by their presence! Worried that they will return tonight. If they do I will probably report it x

19-07-16, 19:52
yeah that sounds good.

20-07-16, 12:15
Definitely doesn't sound like burglers more like they are watching somone like insurance investigators when somones says they are injured then go to work on nightshirt , had one like that down my street used to come and go with curtains up in a van turned out they had a canabis farm in a unit at the end of the road he was an old man as well , all became clear when it got raided , take care .

26-07-16, 01:36
did you call? I would have called. If it is enough to make you suspicious or uneasy then it warrants a call.

26-07-16, 07:50
Because of all the terrorist attacks there is a phrase here now - if you see something say something.

26-07-16, 12:49
Please don't feel anxious about contacting the Police. Have you talked to any of the Neighbours about the incident and has anyone got CCTV down your street?
Hope things will be ok and you be able to sleep without feeling anxious.

26-07-16, 18:34
Bit late to the party. Don't always assume the worst! Maybe one of your older neighbours is growing pot and it's the police haha.

I find when I'm stressed I ALWAYS assume the worst.

07-12-16, 13:18
Saying that if it's reported to the authorities the it becomes their problem so if they turn up again then I would report it job done :)

07-12-16, 13:59
Sounds like a stakeout to me, could be police or insurence investigators or even a private eye. Never hurt reporting suspicions to the police.

07-12-16, 14:22
Blimey, are they still hanging around?!!! :nicked:

Catherine S
07-12-16, 16:07
It could've been the benefits fraud team. If they get a tip off, they have to stake out an address to see if the person claiming benefits is working on the side, and that probably involves seeing if people are doing shift work hence the strange hours...that would also be a reason for the paperwork. Just a thought.

Katie, you posted about this back in July, did you ever find out about it?


23-12-16, 07:24
They're not still here Terry, I would definitely be worried If they were :roflmao:

No I never found out who they were or what they were doing actually, could have been a number of things i suppose but whatever it was they weren't very secretive about it lol

23-12-16, 11:09
It could have been some investigative reporters following a MP having an affair with someone in your street.

It could have been the vice squad performing surveillance off the back of a tip off there is a bore housewife offering prostitution services in your street.

It could have been people gathering for an orgy...with that bored housewife in your street.

OR most likely, knowing MP's, it would be all 3! :whiplash::winks: