View Full Version : I just want to cry

20-07-16, 01:46
I have a 4 month old son and instead of enjoying him I am living in fear.
I am currently scared I have a brain tumour and I'm going crazy.
I have tension like headaches, losing my balance randomly sometimes, confusion sometimes, forgetting simple things at times, and neck strain cause my muscles are all tensed up.

My doctor dismissed it as anxiety and told me to get therapy but I just cant to seem to follow his advice. Im too anxious to even leave the house at this point. I broke down crying at the mall with my husband be other day.

Keep in mind Im only 22. I hate feeling this way.

20-07-16, 03:24
Sounds like neck tension to me. I get this quite often( we desperately need a new mattress) try to do neck rolls and massage your shoulders and neck a few times a day and see if it helps. Switch your sleeping position or pillow. Maybe some light yoga can help you. Take time to play with your new baby and just drink him in. Also since I don't know the entire situation I urge you to talk to your ONGYN and talk to her about post partum. If you didn't have these issues before your son maybe it's something you don't see bothering you. Either way I suggest you speak with your womanly needs Doctor. Best wishes!

20-07-16, 16:54
Sorry to hear your trouble..anxiety really does play a Huge part daily life and your feelings...as daft as it sounds I defo had caught ebola along with many other things..was to scared to do anything at that time..cried about everything and what ifs...I didn't even go to a doctor I was to scared they would admit me to cray cray hospital...but I found a site..and what I was experience was intrusive thoughts...believe me reading some people's fears and anxiety took a whole world off my shoulders..I even cried reading a particular story....it's a real condition!
I wish you all the luck in the world..but you will get past it