View Full Version : Eating habits change due to panic disorder

20-07-16, 09:05
Hi all, just wondering if anyone has ever experienced the same thing and is there any remedies to solve this issue? I am suffering from agoraphobia and I only feel safe to head out only if I have eaten a full meal. I tend to have panic attack when I am on an empty stomach. When I am home and feeling hungry, I am still alright to wait for another hour or 2, however, when I am out in a mall, i will definitely have a panic attack if i feel a bit of hungriness even though my sugar level is fine. Also, i hate waiting for food at cafe or restaurant. i hate the feeling of waiting as it makes me anxious. If the wait is too long I will start to panic and have this fainting spell, but when the food is all on the table, I start to feel much better. Anybody knows why is this so? And what can I do to stop all these thoughts? Thanks!

20-07-16, 13:57
I know the feeling as I never leave the house in the morning without having had breakfast first. My blood pressure is very low, so unless I've had a drink and something to eat, I won't leave the house as I know I'll feel weak and weakness is something I associate with panic attacks. I think you've learnt a behaviour to help you relax from anxiety which is eating food. You associate food with comfort, so your mind has learnt to relax if you're having food.
Perhaps you could try unlearning that behaviour by trying to leave the house, only if it is to go on a short walk without having had much to eat, to try and 'prove' to yourself that nothing bad is going to happen, and that you're safe. I don't think you can stop the thought process by thinking differently, but by doing differently, i.e. presenting yourself with evidence that you can be, and are, safe.

21-07-16, 12:15
Hi there! Thanks for your reply! Have you tried this method before? Because i know that i have to take the first step, but whenever i dont eat and go out, i feelso panicky suddenly and felt that my blood pressure is going down and then i start to sweat and have the thought that i will be fainting soon. Have you encounter such experience?

21-07-16, 15:37
I most certainly have experienced what you're talking about, so I know how you feel. :) There have been times where I was 'forced' to go out without having had breakfast first, like when I'd go for blood tests and check-ups, etc. Each time I'd get panicky and feel like I was going to be very sick and pass out. However, I'd keep a bottle of water in my bag and a chewing gum or a sweet of sorts,and this would reassure me as I knew I could take one if I really needed to.
The method I've talked about in my previous message is exposure therapy, where you gradually expose yourself to the situation that scares you, and you remain in said situation till your anxiety levels have come down. I'm agoraphobic, so I'm currently practising going out, i.e. going to the front door of the building and staying there until I am able to tell myself that nothing bad is going to happen.

21-07-16, 16:35
Thank you so much for your suggestion! Will try it out asap! Now that I don't feel like I am so weirdo��

21-07-16, 16:49
Haha aw of course you're not a weirdo! :D There are so many people out there who are going through what you're going through, and it's a comforting thought, knowing you're not alone.
You're very welcome, I'm glad I was able to help. If you have any questions, I'm more than happy to help further. :)