View Full Version : IBS or a Tummy Bug... How can I tell

20-07-16, 10:04
For the past week or so I have been feeling rough. Over a week ago I must have eaten something that disagreed with me as I ended up waking in the night with an upset stomach, no vomiting but the sweats. This wore off but the days following it I have been suffering with stomach cramps, bloatedness and the occasional diarrhea. I have an appetite but I'm feeling quite rough and don't know whether to go and see my Doctor or put it down to IBS. Obviously this whole think is making me anxious and I'm thinking the worst cae scenario.

Hoe can you tell if it's IBS or a tummy bug??

20-07-16, 10:40
I had similar a couple of weeks ago.
It could have been IBS which presented itself as mild tummy bug symptoms.
I honestly thought I had mild food poisoning but as I wasn't sick , I just felt very rough and 'green' as if i'd been on a bad rollercoaster. My toilet habits were a bit dodgy but no watery like a full on bug. I felt like that for a few days. I do have IBS and anything is possible with this condition!