View Full Version : New member - Dealing with HA

20-07-16, 15:13
Hi there. I am new to this site but have been reading posts on here for the past couple of weeks for reassurance. I wanted to write my own post and hope to get comfort from others who are dealing with/have dealt with HA and its many crazy physical symptoms.

So I recently got engaged which was very exciting however, as an already anxious person, I had extreme anxiety/stress the day of the engagement and had taken adderall that morning which only made me more stressed. I also was in the process of getting over a sinus infection at that time. A couple days after the engagement I was extremely fatigued and realized I had a weird taste in my mouth that would come and go. I googled my symptoms and that's when the extremely bad anxiety began. I saw "brain tumor" and "MS" as possible reasons for altered taste. Since then I have been consumed with every little symptom ranging from perceived weakness on left side, taste issues, tingling, numbness on and off, headaches, ear fullness/ringing, vision issues, neck tension, stuffy nose, eye pressure and feeling "out of it." These symptoms have come and gone for two months now.

I have been to an ENT who diagnosed me with acute sinusitis following the sinus infection and prescribed prednisone. Had a terrible reaction from prednisone. I already had terrible anxiety from my symptoms and prednisone made me ten times worse. Still worrying, I went to my PCP and she prescribed antibiotics for a sinus infection. Had a CT scan of my sinuses and was normal. I had regular blood work done and all was normal. I decided to see a new internal medicine Doctor who has been great. He took thyroid, autoimmune and allergy tests. All were normal. He did a thorough neuro exam and said I have no reason to think I have a brain tumor and said MS would not present in this way. He chalked everything up to being anxiety/stress since my symptoms began coincidentally after the engagement and have gotten worse with worrying about symptoms and googling. He has started me on Zoloft which I started taking a week ago. He said it takes a couple weeks or so for it to be in my system.

I am still constantly worrying about every little twitch and twinge. I try to remind myself that it's symptoms of anxiety. I guess I'm just looking for reassurance. I had no idea how stress could create so many physical symptoms. I keep thinking that there's no way these symptoms are from stress and that something serious is going on. :shrug:

20-07-16, 15:24

If you feel the need to Google a symptom just come to this site and check here. That's what I do as, for me, it helps me avoid the "big" illnesses that normally come to the top of a Google search.

It's a long jounrey, but you've had these tests and eveything has come up normal. Sometimes we can kid ourselves into believing the tests are wrong, but you've had loads of tests and at least one would point to an issue if there was one.

So it's just down to managing your reaction to the physical symptoms. No mean feat, but definitely doable. I find that breathing and muscle tensing exercises help a lot. Pilates is a mind saver for me as it is all about stretching and breathing. Maybe you could try something like that?

20-07-16, 15:33
Anxiety and Stress is the absolute worst. I am so sorry this is happening to you as I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

It sounds exactly like my descent in to the nightmare. All the same symptoms, all the same worries, its taken me nearly 4 months from "onset" but im feeling a lot better now.

21-07-16, 16:39
Thank you for replying! I'm trying hard to think positive and keep telling myself it's all just the aftermath of anxiety. I'm hoping that my symptoms begin to disappear day by day, week by week. I have started taking Zoloft, a healthy eating plan, added a probiotic and supplements to my routine and will focus on my overall health and fitness in the weeks to come as a distraction for my anxiety. Hoping all of the above will bring my health back to normal and even better than before!

21-07-16, 18:20
Zoloft will hopefully do you some good. It has me.

Also, omega 3 helps.

22-07-16, 15:00
Thank you Colicab85! After you mentioned Omega 3, I did some research myself and it seems that supplementing with Omega 3 has huge benefits for people suffering from anxiety and depression. I actually had some in the medicine cabinet so I will start taking these and see if they will help. Thank you!!