View Full Version : Asthma, lung capacity and deep breathing

19-03-07, 22:16
Ok this may be a strange post but just wanted to check something out.

I have suffered asthma since childhood but I don't get asthma attacks now and it is all under control with inhalers.

However, I went for an over 40 BUPA health check last year and they said my lung capacity was way above normal for my age, height and being an asthma sufferer.

I went for my yearly asthma review today with the nurse and she had loads of new gadgets to try and had some spare time so said she would do a complete lung function test on me.

I did several tests and had to inhale and exhale very slowly and then inhale and exhale as fast as I could.

We did several tests and then got a print-out of the results.

I have the lungs of a 20 year old apparently and my lung capacity and function is way above the normal for a 40 year old woman and she was amazed.

What I am wondering is if all the deep abdominal breathing we do as anxiety/panic sufferers is actually helping our lung capacity?

Has anyone else had these tests and can comment. I would be interested to know.

The only other reason could be the swimming I do and the breathing I must do whilst doing that.

Just intrigued anyway.

19-03-07, 23:27
Hi Nic,

I too have asthma (diagnosed aged 18) that I control with inhalers and I also suffer hyperventilation syndrome.

I have an asthma review yearly and not that long ago had the lung function tests and my results are always normal or above normal too. I have better lung function that many non asthmatics too! It's weird isn't it but I have no answers but thought I'd let you know I'm the same. Obviously aerobic exercise does improve lung function so that may have helped you, in my case as I have ME I can't exercise much.

I do my peak flow regularly and if I am hyperventilating I do get a higher reading than if I am relaxed. If I get a wheezy throat and tight chest from anxiety my reading will be a bit lower than usual but still ok. I certainly don't manage much deep abdominal breathing though as I chest breathe (despite having breathing therapy for a year to learn not too!) but maybe all the overbreathing helps somehow lol.

Lisa x